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The research of cloud service application in planning semiconductor production - A case study of semiconductor corporation in Taiwan
作者 周棟祥黃敬庭
本研究的目的是探討如何應用雲端服務與運算的技術來解決目前半導體業產能規劃的運算問題,並且期望能與舊有的系統相互結合,在本研究過程中將藉由個案來探討雲端服務的應用與概括性地介紹半導體廠的製造過程和半導體生產管理目標與任務,在實作平台方面則運用Google App Engine雲端服務,並搭配Google提供的Google Web Toolkit工具進行模組設計與開發,並評估比較各種生產規劃方法,期望本研究所建構之泛用型的雲端服務模式,讓企業未來可以採用本流程,節省程式開發及撰寫的時間,藉此發展出企業本身所需的雲端系統服務及強化企業核心價值,提昇企業營運效能,進而創造出企業的競爭優勢。
The purpose of this research is to discuss "how to use the cloud computing service to solve the computing problems in planning the productive process of semiconductor industry". The aims of this research are not only to make the cloud computing service compatible with the legacy systems, but it also through case study to introduce the manufacturing process and productive management of semiconductor factory. The cloud services of Google App Engine and Google Web Toolkit are adopted to conduct the design and development in this research. This research is to establish a cloud service model that could be widely used in each corporation, so that the time of developing cloud service could be saved in the future. This research helps to develop the cloud service and enhance corporation’s core values, and then the corporation could be to increase its efficiency and to create its own competitive advantages.
起訖頁 1-32
關鍵詞 雲端服務運算產業價值鏈生產規劃半導體產業Cloud service computingvalue chainproduction planningsemiconductor industryGoogle App Engine
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201606 (18:1期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
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