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Using Modified Delphi Method to Assess the Key Factors of New Media Agenda Management on Ministry of National Defense
作者 傅文成王隆綱
本研究以修正式德菲法(Modified Delphi),援引議題管理與議題建構等觀點作為理論框架,輔以整理國軍危機傳播議題管理的態樣為主軸,並整合新媒體的特色後,形成一套國軍處理新媒體危機議題的「關鍵因素」檢核標準,再透過募集產、官、學界專家意見,以綜整後再回饋之反覆聚斂模式,試圖歸納出新媒體議題管理之關鍵檢核因素,以供國軍管理網路議題時之參據。本研究合計進行三回合問卷,聚歛包含「來源層面因素」、「訊息層面因素」、「媒體管道層面因素」、「閱聽人因素」等四大構面,合計51項當前國軍面對新媒體環境下議題管理的關鍵因素,並提出「依照議題特性,設定重要程度與處理順序」、「及時掃描新媒體議題發展,並環顧輿情環境」、「注意媒介豐富度高之議題較符合目前傳統媒體與新媒體之間議題建構的需求」等三項實質政策建議。
This program applied Modified Delphi Method and used Agenda Management Theory and Agenda Building Theory as the theoretical framework to construct the "key factors" for the public affair sectors of Ministry of National Defense to process agenda management work under the new media environment. The researcher recruited experts from three primary stakeholder groups on military public affair, including military reporters, senior military public affair officers, and public relations academic researchers to conduct three sections of Delphi survey. Four major agenda management dimensions, including source factor, message factor, media channel factor, and audience factor with 51 items of sub-factors which under these major dimensions were proposed. The researcher also concluded three research suggestions, including "Setting a standard agenda management procedure", "Scanning online public opinion continuously", and "Focusing on the issues which with higher levels of media richness" Implications were discussed.
起訖頁 33-96
關鍵詞 新媒體德菲法議題建構議題管理New mediaDelphi MethodAgenda buildingAgenda management
刊名 新聞學研究  
期數 201610 (129期)
出版單位 國立政治大學新聞系
該期刊-上一篇 紀錄片作為國族寓言:我們的另一堂地理課
該期刊-下一篇 來自南方:半島電視台的新聞聚合研究




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