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The Structural Analysis of Value Creation for Innovation: Evidence from Taiwan's Electronics Industry
作者 黃政仁林秉孝
本研究以2000年至2011年於美國專利暨商標局(United States Patent and Trademark Office,簡稱USPTO)申請專利之臺灣電子業上市、上櫃公司為研究對象,以創新深度、廣度及速度作為創新能力衡量指標,運用結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling,簡稱SEM)及拔靴法(bootstrapping)之特性,補充過去文獻及研究方法不足之處,以全面檢測研發投資、創新能力與市場價值間之關係。研究結果主要發現如下:(1)投入較高的研發投資能強化創新深度、廣度及速度等重要的創新能力。(2)創新深度愈深或速度愈快,則愈能促進財務績效的成長,另一方面,創新範圍愈廣或速度愈快,愈能提升投資人對公司的評價。(3)研發投資可藉由創新能力進一步影響財務績效及市場價值。本研究更進一步探究三項創新能力對於公司績效之個別間接效果,其中創新深度能增進財務績效,若公司發展多元的創新成果,則將削弱研發投資對於提升財務績效的強度;但從市場價值的角度來看,投資人除了關心創新速度,更關注公司能否獲取較廣泛的創新成果。
In this study, we investigate the relationships among R&D investment, innovation capability and firm performance for Taiwan's listed electronics industry companies that applied for patents in the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) within the period from 2000 to 2011. We also employ depth of innovation, breadth of innovation and speed of innovation as the measure of innovation capability, and apply structural equation modeling (SEM) and bootstrapping to remedy the inadequacies of the literature and research methods. The main findings are as follows: (1) The higher R&D investment, the more it can strengthen innovation depth, breadth and speed; (2) Both deeper and faster innovation can enhance financial performance, but broad innovation will reduce financial performance. Furthermore, both more extensive innovation breadth and faster innovation can promote evaluation of investor; (3) R&D investment can indeed further affect financial performance and market performance through innovation capability. This study further explores the indirect individual effects of three innovation capabilities on firm performance. R&D investment enhances financial performance indirectly through deeper innovation. However, if the company develops diverse innovation, it will weaken the indirect effects between R&D investment and financial performance. Regarding market performance, investors do not only focus on the speed of innovation, but are also concerned about the company's ability to obtain broader innovations.
起訖頁 1-31
關鍵詞 研發投資創新能力公司績效結構方程模式R&D investmentInnovation capabilityFirm performanceStructural equation modeling
刊名 會計評論  
期數 201601 (62期)
出版單位 國立政治大學會計系財團法人李先庚會計文教基金會
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