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Project to Improving Outpatient Incomplete Bowel Preparation for Colonscopy
作者 陳香伶吳淋禎張雯雯
Purposes: Colonoscopy is an important examination to check for cancer or precancerous growths in the colon or rectum. The quality of bowel preparation before the examination is closely related to the successful rate of colonoscopy. Through a survey in February, 2012, we found that the incomplete rate of bowel preparation before colonoscopy in outpatients was up to 52.5%. This affects the accurate diagnosis and follow-up. The purpose of the project was to improve the incomplete rate of bowel preparation before colonoscopy. So as to improve the quality of bowel preparation before lifting colonoscopy interpretation is correct. Methods: Current state assessment revealed the following cause of the problem: Lack of consistency in nursing care guidelines, The nursing instruction leaflet of colonoscopy was not applicable, Inadequate teaching tools of nursing instruction, Lack of space for nursing care education. Team members then planned strategies for improvement : 1. Make a manual of colonoscopy nursing care guidelines, 2. Record a disc for colonoscopy nursing instructions, 3. Make posters for instructions of laxatives, 4. Build web pages for colonoscopy nursing instructions, 5. A plan to have nursing instruction independent space. Improve the quality of bowel preparation before colonoscopy examination. Results: After implementation of the improvement measures, the incomplete colon preparation rate dropped from 52.2% to 8.6%. The overall patient satisfaction of colonscopy examination increased from 58.1% to 90%. Conclusions: The project showed that the intervention indeed incomplete rate of bowel preparation before colonoscopy in outpatients and could be a potential guideline for improving the quality of colonscopy examination in outpatient setting.
起訖頁 62-70
關鍵詞 大腸鏡護理指導腸道準備ColonscopyNursing instructionBowel preparation
刊名 澄清醫護管理雜誌  
期數 201604 (12:2期)
出版單位 財團法人澄清基金會
該期刊-上一篇 不同原因導致的復發性呃逆




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