中文摘要 |
近年來,各國的重大災害頻傳,除了造成民眾傷亡、財產損失外,負責救護傷患的醫療院所也可能因為災害損壞,而無法正常使用現有的醫療設備。面對此情況,醫院必須有良好的災害應變能力且必要時必須設置暫時的醫療站/所,以因應災難的發生。本研究運用資料包絡分析法( Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA)、層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)及網絡分析法(Analytic Network Process, ANP)等三種方法綜合評估中部地區16家醫院災害應變的能力,並以評估分析的結果提出對醫院災害回應能力之建議。本研究除了提供醫院較佳的評估方法外,希望我們建構的模式及評估的結果可作為其他醫院提升災害應變能力的參考,以減少民眾傷亡及財產損失。 |
英文摘要 |
The man-made and natural disasters that often occur around the world not only cause mass casualties but also damage hospitals directly. Faced with the threat of disaster, hospitals must improve their ability to respond. When a disaster occurs, hospitals must evacuate their patients to nearby hospitals or set up temporary shelters. This study adopts the Analytic Network Process (ANP), Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to evaluate the disaster-response ability of temporary shelters of hospitals in Taiwan. The objective is to improve the method of evaluating the disaster-preparedness capacity of temporary shelters of hospitals. This research proposes an effective approach to performing the evaluation to provide hospitals with a model for enhancing their disaster-response ability, in order to reduce future loss of life. |