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The Influence of Inpatients’ Attitude on Recognition of Patient Safety:A Theory of Planned Behavior Perspective
作者 錢慶文李宜致李佳珂林陽助安寶儀
研究目的:本研究以計畫行為理論(Theory of Planned Behavior, TPB)為基礎,從病人的角度來研究病患安全「態度」對「認知」之影響。藉由因素分析找出住院病人對於病患安全的認知和態度的組成因素,再利用典型相關分析住院病人對病患安全的態度對認知是否有影響,本研究的結果冀能提供相關醫院於改變病人對病人安全的行為改變有所幫助。研究方法:本研究隨機選取北縣某區域教學醫院民國九十四年中一個月全月所有住院病人為研究對象,使用結構式問卷,就病人安全態度和認知程度進行調查。共計回收414份有效問卷。資料分析方法包括Factor Analysis和Canonical Correlation Analysis 和t-test/ANOVA等。研究結果:本研究的結果顯示:一、透過典型相關分析可以知道病人對「病患安全的態度」對其「認知」有顯著的影響力;換句話說,如果病人對於病人安全的態度增加(趨向正面),也可以看到病人對於病人安全的認知會增加(趨向較強烈)。二、本研究的結果並沒有證據顯示不同身份別(主客觀條件)的病人在對病患安全的「態度」和「認知」上是有統計上的差異。當然這個結果並不代表不同主客觀條件的病人其對病患安全的「態度」和「認知」不存在著顯著差異,值得繼續深入研究。結論:醫院評估病患滿意度時,對於醫院所做對「病患安全」的提升也應該要納入。一方面可以達到新制的醫院評鑑中對於「病人安全」部分的要求,另一方面也可以藉由評估病患滿意度的同時瞭解醫院病人(客源)對於病患安全的「認知」和「態度」,這些對於醫院欲改善「病患安全」所做的努力才會有辦法呈現。
Prupose: The purpose of this study was to study inpatient’s attitude and its impact on recognition of patient safety through the perspective of Theory of Planned Behavior. Factors of Inpatient’s attitude and recognition of patient safety were first found by applying factor analysis and the impact of attitude on recognition of patient safety was assessed by using canonical correlation analysis. Method: A Structured questionnaire was used to assess the impact of attitude on cognitions of patient safety. 414 samples were included in this study. Statistical methods used in this study including factor analysis, canonical correlation analysis and t-test/ANOVA. Results:Two major results were found in this study: 1. the impact of attitude on recognition of patient safety was positive and significant by using canonical correlation analysis. On other words, an inpatient who has positive attitude toward patient safety usually has stronger recognition of patient safety. 2. There is no evidence indicate that personal characteristics and utilization have significant influences on inpatients’ attitude and recognition of patient safety. Conclusion: Both patient safety and patient satisfaction should be studied together so that hospitals can assess patient satisfaction more precisely. In addition, the exertion of a hospital in improving patient satisfaction can be recognized by improving patient safety simultaneously.
起訖頁 18-27
關鍵詞 病人安全認知因素分析典型相關分析Patient SafetyFactor AnalysisCanonical correlation Analysis
刊名 澄清醫護管理雜誌  
期數 200610 (2:4期)
出版單位 財團法人澄清基金會
該期刊-上一篇 大腸癌細胞中rTSβ蛋白的表現與5-FU抗藥性之研究
該期刊-下一篇 SARS事件醫院內部行銷作為與醫護人員離職傾向之研究──以中部某區域醫院為例




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