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A Study of Web-based Learning Attitude and Intention Among Physical Therapists
作者 施光庭蔡永裕劉益昇
背景與目的:隨著時代的變遷,科技的進步,醫療環境與 術的日新月異,新的技術不斷的發展,因此不 的學習新的知識與技術成爲職場上必要的功 。網路化的遠距學習就是隨著網路的高度成長 延伸的應用之一。本研究目的在探討物理治療師的遠距學習態度與遠距學習行爲意向。方法:本研究於民國93年7月中華民國物理治療學會於台中舉辦的繼續教育課程中,針對上課的學員進行問卷調查。問卷共發出115份,有效問卷 共74份,回收率爲64.35%。將回收的有效問卷進行編碼,將資料輸入電腦以SPSS for Windows 10.0中文版套裝軟體進行統計分析,採用敘述性統計、T檢定與變異數分析,如果達到統計上的顯著差別,則再進行LSD事後檢定,了解變異數中哪些變數有差異。結果:經由統計的結果發現,物理治療師網路學習行爲意向方面,表示未來「可能」參加網路遠習課程佔多91.9%;相對的表示「不可能」參加的8.1%。物理治療師在網路學習態度多趨正向。性別及工作的地區與遠距學習態度有顯著的關聯性。男性治療師的遠距學習態度比女性治療師爲高,桃竹苗與中彰投比雲嘉南的物理治療師對網路學習態度更趨於正向。結論:醫療專業是一攸關人命的特殊專業領域,如何適時取得最新資訊,並藉由資訊科技建立分享傳播,讓相關人員能學習最新的醫學常識,成爲 値得重視的一個課題。物理治療師在繼續教育課程採用網路學習的看法上傾向正向的態度,也願意參加非同步以網路爲基礎的遠距學習的課程。發展網路遠距教學和多媒體教學於專業人員的教育,提升專業人員知識及技能,也更能保障物理治療病患的安全。
Background and Purpose:Technology and medical science have evolved through time. With the improvement of technology and the constant renewal in medical science, Web-based distance learning offers flexible learning ways in spite of the restriction of time and space. The purpose of this study is to investigate the web-based learning attitude, and web-based learning behavior intention among physical therapists. Methods:115 of physical therapists in Taiwan participate the continuing education course at Taichung in July 2004, to join the questionnaire survey. Structured-questionnaires are used as tools. We use the SPSS 10.0 for windows for analyzing. Results:74 questionnaires are returned. Referring to distance learning behavior intention, 91.9% physical therapists think it is possible to do distance learning in the future; on the other hand, 8.1% of them disagree with it. The web-based learning attitude of physical therapist is toward positive. Sexual and working area have static positive relationship to the web-based learning intention. Conclusions: Healthcare is a specialized field in which the healthcare workers deal with the matters of live and death. It is thus important for healthcare workers to update themselves with the newest breakthroughs in medical science. The web-based learning attitude of physical therapist is toward positive. They intent to participate web-based distance learning course. Develop a web-based continuing education system for healthcare profession can upgrade their knowledge and skills. It's benefit for all patients of physical therapy.
起訖頁 23-29
關鍵詞 網路學習態度網路學習行為意向物理治療師Physical TherapistWeb-based learning attitudeWeb-based learning behavior intention
刊名 澄清醫護管理雜誌  
期數 200601 (2:1期)
出版單位 財團法人澄清基金會
該期刊-上一篇 多重抗藥性包氏不動桿菌臨床分離株之分子特性
該期刊-下一篇 婦女預防性保健行為及其人口特質因素的探討




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