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Straategies on the Control of Glycol Ethers Use
作者 林佳谷陳叡瑜葉高勳雷宗憲張大邦
繼兩年前完成台灣地區乙二醇醚溶劑使用與認知之評價後,本研究提出管理策略的探討。以教育、立法、技術服務三大原則貫穿整個研究,從這三個層面的探討,對乙二醇醚的使用管理與後續研究方向提出中肯的建言,更可作為其他毒性物質管理之模式。本研究之重要成果摘述如下:一、教育方面: 1. 編寫一份適用於一般有機溶劑訓練之教材。 2. 提出教育訓練之成果評價模式。 3. 完成八十人次的訓練,並對八百家廠家傳遞相關資訊。二、立法方面: 1. 提供最新之各國暴露容許濃度標準,並藉專家座談會方式彙集各界對國內標準之意見,作為勞委會修訂標準之參考。依各界意見,我國之標準宜修訂為ACGIH之建議值。 2. 提供相關文獻資料,作為環保署將2-ME、2-MEA、2-EE、2-EEA納入公告列管毒性物質之主要依據。 3. 函請經濟部工業局與國貿局在鼓勵投資與進口稅率上謹慎考量。三、技術服務方面:列舉是當取代物與其他工業衛生控制法供業者參考。
Glycol ethers use in Taiwan has been evaluated two years ago. Problems inherited to the E-series glycol ethers have been recognized. In order to have better management of this imported solvent, in this study we are focusing on the control aspect. To approach this target, strategies of education, legisltation, and technical services are consulted. The major achievement in this study are summarized as follows: 1. Education: (1) A comprehensive lecture notes on organic solvents were compiled for one day seminar course use. (2) From the pre- and post-test on a specially designed questions (solvent related), and using the statistical methods (paired t-test and McNemar’s X2 test), KAP analysis was conducted. Positive achievement from this seminar are demonstrated. (3) Many other educational activities were conducted. 2. Legislation: By approaching the administrative agencies which govern the import, production, transportation, and the use of the potential health hazard toxic substances, there are several achievement, including: (1) Propose new PEL standard setting on E-glycol ethers (current ACGIH TLVs) for the Council of Labor Affairs. (2) 2ME, 2EE, and their acetates are recommended in the priority list for toxic substance control in EPA. (3) Addressing advice notes to the Board of Foreign Trade and the Industry Development Bureau regarding the information that we have evaluated on the glycol ethers. 3. Technical services: Based on the nature of operation (close or open system) and the usage of glycol ethers, appropriate substitution and other control methods are recommended and discussed.
起訖頁 87-98
關鍵詞 乙二醇醚教育立法技術服務Glycol EthersEducationLegisiationTechnical Services
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 199312 (1:3期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 滑跤與跌倒事故--文獻回顧與展望
該期刊-下一篇 噪音劑量與暫時性聽力閾值變化之關係探討




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