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Evaluation and Improvement of Human -- Machine Interface Design for Industrial Safety and Hygiene
作者 王明揚王茂駿蔡銘仁
In analyzing the causes of an accident, it is not unusual that unsafe actions and unsafe environment are blamed on. However, are unsafe actions and unsafe environment the real and root causes of accidents? Or, these ‘causes’ are observed superficial phenomena with some other more essential causes hidden deeply behind the screen. In this study, the relationship of inadequate human-machine interface designs and occupational accidents was investigated from the viewpoint of human factors and ergonomics. The purpose is to find out whether industrial accidents are caused by unsafe actions performed by operators in an unsafe environment which is equipped with inadequate human-machine interface designs on its manufacturing facilities. Two industrial sectors, the facility designers/manufacturers, and the factories which have had higher occupational in juries, were investigated. The latter contained basic metal industry and fabricated metal products industry. By visiting these parties, the following information was collected and was analyzed: (1)the facility designers/manufacturers ‘human-machine interface design and safety consideration; (2)the adequacy of human-machine interface designs involved in the occupational injury cases. The results show the eight big facility designers/manufacturers are unfamiliar with human-machine interface and safety design. Though their products for the domestic market do not take much safety into consideration, by learning from foreign machine designs and standards, those for European market may meet the rigid safety requirements and standards enforced by European Community. Form injury cases studied, it was found that the human-machine interfaces in questions were inappropriate and were responsible for the injuries. In some cases, it is found that from work physiology and human factors points of view, the adverse chronic effects to the operators may energy if the inappropriate human-machine interfaces are used for a time long enough. It is also found that the safety and hygiene concepts, senses, willingness and the capability of making improvements in these industries are to be strengthened. Recommendations are provided in this report.
起訖頁 29-38
關鍵詞 人機界面安全設計事故分析Human-Machine InterfaceSafety DesignAccident Analysis
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 199309 (1:2期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 我國人因工程現況之調查
該期刊-下一篇 物料搬運工作安全性之自動化評估系統




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