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A Review of Occupational and Environmental Lead Poisoning in Taiwan
作者 劉紹興顧天倫徐尚為吳德敏林春蓮陳麗美
Lead has been used in industries for several thousand years due to its good properties of metal, meanwhiles, lead poisoning cases were documented for a long time. This article reviewed the documentations of lead poisoning in Taiwan. The earliest case of lead poisoning documented in China should be traced back to 1892, a patient who used leaded urinary catheter was reported to be lead poisoning. Most of the cases of lead poisoning documented in Taiwan occurred in infants or children due to environmental pollution. The first case of occupational lead poisoning in Taiwan was not documented until 1963, when a lead battery manufacturing worker was reported to be dead of lead encephalopathy. Since then on, a few epidemiological surveys of lead intoxication were performed among a variety of lead exposed factories and only few lead poisoning cases were found. These results showed that the mean blood lead levels in lead-exposed workers were decreasing, however, the mean blood lead level was still too high. These results imply that current control stragies are not enough to protect workers from lead overexposure. Recently, several cases of lead poisoning were documented due to consumption of herbal drugs. It is important to elicit the possibility of lead exposure other than industries in Taiwan.
起訖頁 12-26
關鍵詞 鉛中毒病例報告流行病學調查lead poisoningcase reportepidemiological survey
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 199306 (1:1期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 亞熱帶地區室內的生物性氣膠空氣品質
該期刊-下一篇 營建支撐系統挫屈失敗檢測分析模式




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