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A Study on the Operation Patterns and Implementation Progress of Advancing TPLC in Tainan City:Focusing on Lesson Study for Learning Community
作者 吳俊憲吳錦惠紀藶珊姜宏尚
臺南市推動精進教學計畫的重要子計畫之一,在於促進學校型塑教師專業學 習社群(以下簡稱教師社群),102 學年度教育局推動「臺南市教師社群精進輔 導計畫」,乃為求建立一套精進教師社群發展之運作模式,聚焦於「學習共同體」。 因此,本研究目的在於探討臺南市推動精進教學教師社群發展之運作模式與實施 歷程、實施成效與困境,最後根據研究結果提出建議。本研究獲致的結論如下: (一)精進教學教師社群之運作模式與實施歷程,包括成立校內社群、凝聚成員 共識、教師增能、共同備課、公開授課、入班觀課、共同議課等;(二)實施成 效方面,透過課例研究能裨益於形成教師學習共同體,提升教師教學效能,藉由 協同學習、提升提問層次和「伸展跳躍」有助於提升學生學習成效;另外,經由 理念溝通、相互觀摩、團隊分享、行政支援可以提升學校行政效能;(三)實施 困境方面,包括教師缺乏時間且有教學進度壓力,學生學習主動性尚待加強,師 生對於課例研究和協同學習尚不熟悉操作,大型學校教師社群成員的共識仍待強 化,小型學校因成員不足而有其實施困境。
The study aimed to investigate the development of Teacher Professional Learning Community (TPLC) focusing on Lesson Study for Learning Community (LSLC) promoted by Tainan City. The purposes of the study were probing into the operation patterns and implementation progress of advancing TPLC in Tainan City. The document analysis was adopted in the study, which covered the collection and analysis of relevant information from six junior high schools that practiced TPLC in Tainan City. The results were as follows:(1)The operation pattern and implementation progress that the schools adopted generally followed the subsequent orders: community formation within the school, unity of group consensus, teacher empowerment, collaborative course preparation, public class observation, and collaborative course discussion. (2)Instructional effectiveness could be located via the triad of “in-class observation”, learning effectiveness could be enhanced via team learning, the enhancement of the question-raising level, and the design as well as extension of leaping courses, and then administrative effectiveness could be uplifted; (3)Challenges of advancing TPLC were a lack of time for collaborative course preparation among teachers and the inability to get rid of the stress of keeping up with the course schedules, students were passive learners, and then small schools had difficulty practicing collaborative course preparation.
起訖頁 164-196
關鍵詞 精進教學教師專業學習社群學習共同體teaching enhancementTeacher Professional Learning CommunityLesson Study for Learning Community (LSLC)
刊名 臺灣教育評論月刊  
期數 201610 (5:10期)
出版單位 臺灣教育評論學會
該期刊-上一篇 我國大學面對世界各類大學排名的現況、困境與因應策略:由被壓迫者教育學與批判論述分析探究之
該期刊-下一篇 教師領導三層次探析




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