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The Rootedness and Expansion of Aboriginal Students' Performance and Exhibitions - A Case Study of the Carpentry Class at Hualien County Yu-Dong Junior High School
作者 林青蓉 (Ching-Rong Lin)葉孝玲
This paper applied the qualitative research method on a case study of “Aboriginal Students’ Carpentry Class at Hualien County Yu-Dong Junior High School”, to explore the rootedness and expansion of its performance and exhibitions, through the cultural exchanges and interactions between aboriginal students and tourists when students presented their exhibitions using the platform of “reused vacant space” located at the Hualien Cultural and Creative Industries Park, the Pine Garden in Hualien City, and the Bopiliao Historical District in the Wanhua district in Taipei. Through document analysis, general interviews, and in-depth interviews with relevant persons, this study intended to understand how the Carpentry Class of Yu-Dong Junior High School rooted its performance and exhibitions model in Hualien and expanded the opportunity to areas outside Hualien, so a turning point of multicultural education for aboriginal students and tourists to mutually understand and identify their own culture, as well as appreciate and respect each other’s culture can be created.
The results of this study showed that the platform of “reused vacant space” can let more people outside know the Aboriginal Students’ Carpentry Class, and obtain more resources and support from people with goodwill, volunteers, and groups. The interactions between aboriginal students and tourists became an important sustaining power for aboriginal students to step out. The performance and exhibitions also provided a platform of mutual communications, understanding, and sharing each other’s cultural experience. Moreover, the performance and exhibitions has direct and indirect benefits and effects on Carpentry Class students for enhancing their confidence, learning motives, dignity, ethnic identity, and career planning and visions.
Other benefits and effects resulted from Carpentry Class students’ performance and exhibitions at the Pine Garden in Hualien City and the Bopiliao Historical District are as the followings:
1. Local activation and social meaning
2. Cultural worth and art implications
3. Benefits and effects on economy and leisure
起訖頁 178-203
關鍵詞 原住民學生展演閒置空間再利用經濟與文化休閒效益Aboriginal studentsPerformance and exhibitionsReused vacant spaceEconomic and cultural benefits of leisure
刊名 臺灣教育評論月刊  
期數 201609 (5:9期)
出版單位 臺灣教育評論學會
該期刊-上一篇 十二年國教原住民族語文字化教學可否於國民小學低年級開始實施?
該期刊-下一篇 國中理化教師在課堂上使用行動學習教學模式




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