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臺灣教育評論月刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The relationship between mental imagery and drawing performance style of Taiwan elementary students
作者 郭子祥陳一平袁汝儀
本研究主要根據探討國小兒童在心像認知能力與卡通繪畫表現上的相關 性,本次研究以團體施測為主,受試者為基隆市某國小六年級全體學生。研究先 施行的認知作業測驗為認知風格測驗Object-Spatial Imagery Questionnaire (OSIQ )與心理旋轉測驗mental rotation test (MRT )。研究的繪畫測驗則以一組 美國卡通漫畫與日本卡通漫畫作為實驗材料,利用不同立體化程度的卡通圖畫, 以此區別不同心像認知能力在繪畫上不同的表現,並增加一組旋轉心像的繪畫測 驗以做為不同的難度與空間型、物件型上的區別。最後根據繪畫測驗的評量分數 進行關聯性的探討。 研究結果顯示空間能力的不同的學生在繪畫表現上確有差異,並可根據研究 結果推論基隆市一般六年級學童在繪畫表現上因空間能力的不同而具有不同的 樣貌,本研究有別於以往探討繪畫與個體心理、生理發展階段之關連的取向,著 重將心理層面的因素拓展至相關繪畫認知能力研究,目的是找出一般學齡兒童普 遍的繪畫表現以及認知能力,而非研究特定的頂尖藝術家或是受過訓練的美術科 系學生。也希望藉由研究從中一窺現今國小學生在認知類型上不同的表現,並期 望在兒童繪畫與認知能力的相關探討上發現新的可能。
In this study, the relationship between elementary school students' mental imagery and their cartoon drawing aptitude was examined. The research is group based where all participants were sixth-grade students in keelung. Data were collected based on the Object-Spatial Imagery Questionnaire ( OSIQ ) and the mental rotation test (MRT). A series of American style comics as well as Japanese style comics were used as the medium for the sketching test. The mental imagery was categorized through the participant’s performance at sketching while cartoon sketches displayed to the participants were shown with different 3D-visualization level. Nevertheless, a series of spinning mental imaginary tests was added in order to classify the level of difficulties of spatial imaginary and object imaginary. Data collection was made based on the marks given to the participant’s sketches to analyze the research topic. While past research focused mainly on the relationship between sketching and physical as well as mental development, the researcher focused this research on the imaginary development based on the mental factor. The main objective of this research is to identify the common sketching performance and imaginary ability among primary children, but neither among trained art students nor professional artists. The researcher also hopes to help identify the imaginary ability of primary students and will further new discovery related to the children imaginary ability.
起訖頁 166-193
關鍵詞 心像視覺導向語言導向空間型心像能力物件型心像能力 第166頁Mental imageryVisualizerVerbalizerSpatial imageryObject imagery
刊名 臺灣教育評論月刊  
期數 201604 (5:4期)
出版單位 臺灣教育評論學會
該期刊-上一篇 品德教育的危機與轉機
該期刊-下一篇 學校遇重大災難之應變機制及分享




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