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The Development of Anger Response Scale for Junior High School Student
作者 甘孟龍黃秀霜 (Hsiu-Shuang Huang)劉峯銘
青少年攻擊行為通常是憤怒情緒下的產物,但不同憤怒反應所形成的攻擊行為 卻可能肇因於不同的生理心理機制。Burney(2001)曾針對青少年提出三個與攻擊 概念關聯的憤怒反應特質,分別是:反應性憤怒、工具性憤怒,以及憤怒控制,每 一種反應型態皆源於個體認知行為能力上的差異。本研究旨在根據這些理論觀點發 展一份「國中生憤怒反應量表」,而後驗證量表之信度、效度與複核效化穩定性。 在過程中,研究者以292 名樣本進行量表預試分析與因素結構探索,而後以1,065 名正式樣本進行量表之驗證性因素分析、模式複核效化、效標關聯效度,以及性別 測量恆等性等各項考驗。研究結果顯示,本量表建構的二階單因素模式具有良好的 契合度,且能呼應Burney 提出的理論結構,且該量表模式更具有跨樣本的穩定 性,同時適用國中男、女生的分析比較。總結而言,本研究所發展之「國中生憤怒 反應量表」是一個符合實證的測量工具,可以提供未來研究和教育輔導上使用。
Aggressive behavior in adolescence often arose from angry emotion. However, there were different forms of anger response which lead to aggression may have its own physiological and psychological causes. Burney (2001) in previous research identified three specific types of anger expression as reactive, instrumental and anger control. Each expression reflected the different function of mental process. Thus the purpose of this study was to develop an Anger Response Scale for junior high school student under the concept of Burney’s opinions, and then to validate the scale by adopting a series of examination for the reliability, validity and measurement invariance through 292 pretest samples and 1,065 formal samples. The mainly findings were as follows: According to the confirmatory factor analysis and comparison between two competing models, the results showed that the single second-order factor model fitted the collected data well, and this model reached a satisfactory level of internal consistency reliability. Thus corresponding with Burney’s theory, this finding supported the Anger Response Scale could be divided into three sub-scales: reactive anger, instrumental anger, anger control, and the total anger could incorporate of three scales into one overall scale score. Moreover, the result was also support invariance of measurement by splitting sample by gender. Therefore we could conclude that the “Anger Response Scale for Junior High School Students” was a practical tool with good reliability, validity, and stability. It could be a good and efficient tool to the further research and school counseling.
起訖頁 001-030
關鍵詞 測量恆等性憤怒反應複核效化anger responsecross validationmeasurement invariance
刊名 測驗學刊  
期數 201603 (63:1期)
出版單位 心理出版社
該期刊-下一篇 Rasch-ZINB 及其相關模式 在計數資料上之應用




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