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Design and Application Research on the Measurement System of Students’ Ability in Physics Experiment Operation
作者 殷建華解問鼎
As an important component of the key competences of middle school science courses, the experimental operation ability is required by the new curriculum. The experiment operation ability is mainly reflected in the operation process, only by testing the real experiments process, can we truly reveal the students’ ability. However, the current measurement form of experimental operation ability, concentrate more energy on easy, doubtless knowledge, and still limited to paper-pencil tests. In the research, we take the physics experiment operational ability assessment as an example, construct the measurement system model based on some related research. In order to implement the veritable, effective and intelligent of the measurement, we utilize such as expert system information and intelligent measurement technology in education to develop students’ experimental operation ability measurement system.
起訖頁 073-077
關鍵詞 实验操作能力测评系统计算机辅助测评Experimental Operation AbilityMeasurement SystemComputer Assisted Assessment
刊名 中國電化教育  
期數 201612 (359期)
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 云环境下区域教育资源共享的分层框架设计研究
該期刊-下一篇 基于xAPI标准数据的交互式学习资源设计研究




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