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Research on the Method of the Construction of the Evaluation Indicator System for Special Educative Community
作者 馮銳董利亞李聞
Special educative community is an online special learning community based on the National Public Platform of Educational Resources. It is learners-centered, based on social relationships network with activities as the carrier to promote knowledge generation and consumption between individual and organization of a learning community and has become a kind of typical social characteristics of learning form of “Internet” and education. Community builders have developed 167 online special educational learning communities, more than 150 thousands registered members and 7 millions visiors since April 2014. These communities have extensive social influence to teachers and students in various schools at all levels in the country. But there is a gap among these communities. In order to provide the guidance for special educative community builders to improve the community quality and measure the community level, this study constructs an evaluation indicator system of special educative community by literature research method, target decomposition method, Delphi method and AHP method. This evaluation indicator system includes 5 first-level indicators and 38 second-level indicators. At present, the evaluation indicator system has been proved by the experts and the practice.
起訖頁 044-051
關鍵詞 专题教育社区评价指标体系德尔菲法Special Educative CommunityEvaluation Indicator SystemDelphi Method
刊名 中國電化教育  
期數 201612 (359期)
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 专题教育社区学习活动设计的基本原则
該期刊-下一篇 基于项目作品的大学生在线同侪评价特点分析




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