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The'Liyun tiaomi'Policy in Qing Taiwan(1725-1746)
作者 陳禎祥
This essay discusses the “Liyun tiaomi” Policy in Qing Taiwan, which was set up by the governor of Fujian, Huang Guocai, in 1725. According to this policy, Taiwan was to supply rice to Quanzhou and Zhangzhou to reduce the rice prices there, but the policy was changed three times during the Qing. First, a new regulation was added in 1726, stipulating that Taiwan should transport more rice to Quanzhou and Zhangzhou every harvest year. The second and third changes were in 1729. One was that the Taiwan officials’ purchase allotment was to be from markets instead of the granaries of Taiwan Prefectural City. The other was that a quantity of white rice could be exchanged for twice that quantity of brown rice. That is, increasing the amount but changing the type of rice. In the early Qianlong period, however, arrears developed under the “Liyun tiaomi” Policy. To solve this problem, officials of Fujian Province reduced the required quantity of rice. In 1745, according to statistics of the governor of Fujian, Zhou Xiaojian, from 1737 to 1745 the arrears were 650,000 “dan”(石)under the “Liyun tiaomi” Policy. Zhou Xiaojian saw that Taiwan did not have the ability to pay off the arrears, so this policy was terminated in both Quanzhou and Zhangzhou. From 1746 to 1747, Zhou Xiaojian and the new governor of Fujian, Chen Dashou, ascertained that Taiwan officials were corrupt in their purchasing. Therefore, Qianlong and the later Qing rulers did not use the “Liyun tiaomi” policy to regulate the rice prices in Quanzhou and Zhangzhou.
起訖頁 207-256
關鍵詞 臺米輸出例運糶米黃國財周學健Taiwan rice outputLiyuntiaomiprice adjustmentHuang GuocaiZhou Xiaojian
刊名 政大史粹  
期數 201012 (19期)
出版單位 國立政治大學歷史學系
該期刊-上一篇 戰後中華民國對日漁業協定的開展(1952-1972)




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