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A Study of the Influential Factors of Labors’ Falling Accidents
作者 黃乾全蕭景祥董貞吟 (Chen-Yin Tung)劉玉文
近年來台灣地區營造業職業災害發生率居高不下,尤其是墜落事故已造成國內營造業職業災害的重大傷亡,其嚴重性不容忽視。因此本研究之目的在於探討工地安全衛生管理、施工環境及勞工對作業安全的認知,以作為預防工地之重要參考。本研究選取20 處工地,以評估其施工環境安全及工地安全衛生管理現況;並接受訪之工地中,訪問現場作業勞工294 名,以評估其對作業安全的認知。研究結果發現:工地中設有專任且取得證照之工地安全衛生人員並不多見。60﹪的受訪工地覺得工地實施自動檢查不易;70﹪的受訪工地覺得對於現場作業人員之健康管理,實施上有困難;95﹪的受訪工地曾舉行工地安全教育,實施方式以在各分包商之工地會議中,以統一講解方式進行者最多。在施工環境方面:受訪工地坦承對墜落之預防落實不易。例如:電梯臨時開口之封閉裝置,常因不同工種的進出工地,而遭拆除,造成困擾。此外,勞工有無職業災害經驗,對其自覺本身的安全教育知識是否足夠,彼此間的差異性達統計顯著水準(p<0.05);以無職業災害經驗者,較傾向於覺得自己的安全知識是足夠的。以單因子變異數分析發現,不同年齡層勞工,對作業安全的認知程度,彼此間差異達統計顯著水準(p<0.05)。加強工地安全衛生管理與工地安全衛生教育,並增進勞工對上司督導管理的認同,以建立作業人員的良好作業習慣,是預防工地墜落發生的重要工作。
In recent years, Taiwan has experienced high occupational injury rates in construction sites. In particular, the falling accidents have been the leading cause of occupational fatality and serious injuries. The purpose of this study is to examine the safety and health management, working environment and workers’ safety concepts to provide an important reference for the prevention of falling accidents in construction sites. In this study, safety and health management systems and environmental safety conditions were assessed in 20 construction sites. In addition, on-site interviews were conducted with 294 workers to assess their Results showed that very few full-time qualified safety and health professionals were hired in construction sites. 60% of site directors admitted difficulty in undertaking safety inspection, and 70% experienced difficulty in health management of employees. 95% of sites had held some form of on-site safety education, usually made a short speech at planning meetings of all site subcontractors. 50% of site directors admitted that it was not easy to create a work environment that would prevent falling accidents. Site directors found it particularly difficult to actually ensure the safety of temporary elevator shaft cavities and their cover fittings, due to different subcontractors working separately on the shafts. It was found that workers without the experience of occupational injuries were significantly inclined to believe their safety knowledge was adequate than that of the workers with the experience (p < 0.05).A significant discrepancy in workers’ occupational safety awareness was found among different age groups, with the one-way analysis of variance (p < 0.05). The essential steps to prevent falling accidents in construction sites are to reinforce the safety and health management and education in construction sites, and to strengthen the identification of the employees with the supervision from the superiors in order for the workers to establish correct working habits.
起訖頁 423-439
關鍵詞 營造業墜落勞工職業災害安全教育Construction industryFalling accidentsLaborOccupational accidentsSafety education
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 200012 (8:4期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 勞工體能需求評估——以公車駕駛及飯店員工為例
該期刊-下一篇 工業衛生上抽氣式霍氏紅外光譜偵測儀分析方法之研究




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