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勞工安全衛生研究季刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Development of an Occupational Chemical-factor Exposure Intensity Predictive Model
作者 蔡朋枝葉文裕張靜文林洺秀
本研究之主要目的為利用我國在民國八十五年十月至八十八年五月之「職業化學暴露危害調查」之調查結果,在缺乏勞工個人暴露資料之前提下,依其調查之化學因子種類、物理特性、暴露期間、安全衛生管理、與安全衛生防護情形等資料,以擬訂一具半定量效果之職業化學性因子暴露危害強度推估模式,俾便區別各行業因化學性危害因子所造成之暴露危害強度,以做為勞工行政主管機關制訂相關安全衛生政策之參考。在本研究中有關暴露危害強度係以暴露危害指標(EHI;exposure hazard index)表示之,其模式內含化學物質之毒性指標(TI;toxicity index)、暴露指標(EI;exposure index)及防護缺失指標(PDI;protection deficiency index)等三項。為評估前述半定量推估模式之有效性,本研究另利用7 家工廠之實際調查結果,藉20 位資深工業衛生專家之經驗判斷,就模式內之參數予以直接推估,以建立專家系統資料庫,並藉以校核及修正原所擬訂EHI 推估模式之組合及加權方式。本研究所建立之EHI之推估模式,雖可區別不同行業之暴露危害強度,唯其有效性仍有待個人暴露資料予以驗證。
This study is set out to establish an occupational chemical-factor exposure intensity predictive model (OCEIPM) to further analyze field survey data obtained from the “Occupational Chemical Hazards Survey Program” conducted during the period from August 1996 to May 1999 in Taiwan area. Due to lack of personal exposure data, the development of OCEIPM is merely based on the available field survey data, including types of chemical agents, exposure duration, the effectiveness of the health and safety management, and the efficiency of control methods. The OCEIPM is designated to classify the exposure intensity of each studied industrial site, however, the model can be regarded as a semi-quantitative model at best. The results found in this study will provide as a basis to help governmental agencies to initiate their own health and safety policies. The exposure intensity predicted by OCEIPM is presented as the Exposure Hazard Index (EHI). Here, the EHI encompasses the combination effect of three indices, including the Toxicity Index (TI), Exposure Index (EI), and Protection Deficiency Index (PDI). The proposed EHI model was further examined and modified by using the expert evaluating system via the use of field survey data obtained from 7 plants, including 20 experts with extensive experiences in the industrial hygiene field. The result indicates that the modified EHI model does show consistent results to those assessed by 20 experts on the tested survey data. It is concluded that although the EHI model can effectively classify the health-hazard intensity of studied industries, the model is still required further confirmation by testing against personal exposure data in the future.
起訖頁 389-407
關鍵詞 化學性因子暴露危害調查暴露強度推估模式Chemical-factorExposure intensity predictive modelExposure hazards survey
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 200012 (8:4期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣地區中大型工廠及工業區職業衛生服務現況
該期刊-下一篇 勞工體能需求評估——以公車駕駛及飯店員工為例




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