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勞工安全衛生研究季刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Subjective Symptom of Work Fatigue, Heart Rate, Blood Pressure and Life Style of the High Elevation Operators
作者 毛義方陳美蓮黃如瑋陳秋蓉林釗正鄭淑芳
近十年來,我國每年因高架作業而死亡的勞工均超過150 人以上,尤其發生於營造業,是產業中最具危險性的工作之一。本研究對此問題進行營造業高架作業勞工99人,平面作業56 人之疲勞問卷調查及生理測定、工作特性分析研究。研究結果顯示,高架作業勞工在自覺疲勞症狀中,盛行率超過20%的有眼睛疲勞、腰痛及口乾,發生率則只有口乾,而腳步不穩的盛行率及發生率均顯著地比平面作業勞工較低(P<0.05),並且在疲勞自覺症狀的訴求上遠低於高溫作業、VDT 作業之勞工。在生活習慣上,受訪勞工有嚼檳榔者佔50%、抽煙者佔85%、飲酒者佔60%。平均睡眠時間為6±1.5 小時。工作中之㉁息時間方面,高架作業勞工上午平均為19±18 分鐘,下午為26±21 分鐘。本研究顯示,不論工作點之高低,在高架作業各組勞工,工作後之心率均大於工作前之心率,呈現增加之現象,而血壓之收縮壓及舒張壓均呈現下降之現象。另在高架上作業時,勞工之舒張壓呈現穩定狀態,而收縮壓則有較大的變化。由於高架作業勞工疲勞自訴率低,生活中有抽煙、飲酒及嚼檳榔習慣之比率高,睡眠時間較少,超過50%勞工未佩戴如安全帽等之安全防護具,勞工未受職前訓練,臨時工比例偏高,佔42%等因素,均不利於工作安全管理,值得政府在營造業管理上加以注意。
More than one hundred and fifty workers died from high-elevation operation every year in the past decade in Taiwan. High-elevation operation is one of the high-risk working environment. The purposes of this study are to analyze work-related fatigue and behavior characteristics of the high-elevation operators. A fatigue questionnaire was adopted in this research. Ninety-nine high-elevation operators and 56 ground-level operators were included in the study. The results show that the incidence of subjective fatigue symptoms for the highelevation operators are much lower than those of workers in hot workplace or VDT operation. The symptoms of unsteadiness while standing, low back pain, and dyspnea show statistically significant differences (P<0.05) between high-elevation operators and groundlevel operators. However, both incidence and prevalence are lower for the former group than the latter of the studied workers. The proportions of betel nut chewing, smoking, drinking habits of the worker are 50%, 85%, 60%, respectively. The average breaks for the four hour shifts in the morning and in the afternoon of the high-elevation operators are 19±18 min, and 26±21 min, respectively. This study indicates that the break time for the high-elevation operators is lower than the regulatory requirement. As the high elevation workers’ are grouped into three categories, the results indicate that workers’ heart rate increases after work in all subgroups. On the contrary, both systolicand diastolic pressure decreases in all of the subgroups. Meanwhile, workers’ diastolic pressure is quite stable, but their systolic pressure fluctuates during their work on high elevations. This study concludes that individual characteristics, including high drinking habit and insufficient sleep hours are risk factors for the high-elevation operation. Besides, over 42% of temporary workers, lack of pre-employment training, and more than 50% of workers without wearing personal protective equipment are other threatenings for safety management. We suggest these detrimental factors merit concern for the governmental authorities.
起訖頁 1-23
關鍵詞 高架作業自覺疲勞生理反應測定High-elevation operationSubjective symptom of fatiguePhysiological measurement
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 200006 (8:2期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-下一篇 鉻電鍍勞工含六價鉻之可吸入性氣膠暴露與生物偵測




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