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勞工安全衛生研究季刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Selenium Exposure and Health Effect Study of Rubber Production Process
作者 吳錦景賴俊雄陳秋蓉熊映美
為了探究國內硒暴露作業與其對勞工健康影響,我們選擇了彰化某橡膠輪胎公 司,分析其硫化作業原料硒含量,並執行131名作業勞工健康檢查及問卷。結果顯示:作業勞工血清硒濃度平均者132.8 ± 17.9μg/L,較國內血清硒正常值為高,並達統計學上顯著差異(p<0.05),但與國外正常血清硒濃度相比,此濃度並未很高,此可能係因硫磺含硒量較低(1.46±0.41μg/g),且在密閉下作業有關。體檢中發現硫化作業勞工肺功能與肝功能普遍較差,可能係因工作中有少許粉塵、高溫及工人常有酗酒習慣有關。而由問卷也顯示高溫硫化作業勞工常有皮膚濕疹、鼻子或喉嚨刺激、容易疲倦、常感頭暈等自覺症狀。因此改善作業環境,加強局部排氣設備,注重個人防護具的使用,加強勞工安全衛生教育,才能減少橡膠硫化作業硒暴露及健康影響。
To explore the health effects of selenium exposure to workers, a rubber tire factory in Changhua was chosen as the study object. All 131 male workers of rubber production units were physically examined and interviewed, and the selenium level in the blood samples were determined. Result showed that serum selenium concentration (132.5±17.9μg/L) was significantly higer than the normal. Compared with other countries, the selenium level was not so significantly high, perhaps due to the rather low content of selenium (1.46±0.41μg/g) in the sulfur, and closed-type process. The physical examination results indicated a general deterioration of lung and liver functions which may be associated with high temperature, dusty working condition and alcohol consumption of workers. The questionnaires also revealed a great number of symptoms such as skin eczema, nasal or throat irritation, fatigue and dizziness. It is believed that improved ventilation, personal protection equipment and basic occupational hygiene training will reduce the adverse effects of selenium exposure in rubber production facilities.
起訖頁 41-50
關鍵詞 硫化作業健康影響selenium exposurerubber production
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 199703 (5:1期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 1,3-丁二烯、丙烯腈及苯乙烯熱脫附採樣分析技術研發
該期刊-下一篇 醫院廢水處理設施所產生致病性生物氣膠之研究




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