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Covariates of Neurobehavioral Test Performance
作者 蔡松彥杜宗禮
本研究選取506位志願者進行神經行為測試,所使用的測試工具採用作者所引進 改寫之中文化神經行為評估系統之修訂版。樣本年齡分佈為17至75歲,平均為35歲,教育程度分佈為6至24年,平均為13.7年,男女性別比例約為2:1。本研究以年齡、一般智商、教育程度、性別、喝酒、抽菸、父母社經地位及電腦熟 悉度8項可能變因進行多變項迴歸分析。年齡對所有的神經行為測試皆有負向影響。男性在手指敲擊(慣用手)及符號數字配對二項之成績較女性好;而女性則在聯想性學習、交替性注意力及延遲性聯想記憶三項優於男性。教育程度與同義字彙同時或各別對一半以上的測試具有正向影響。電腦熟悉度對於符號數字配對、圖像比對、視覺數字反應、數字學習四項測試具有正向的相關。父母社經地位的影響力很小。喝酒及抽菸未顯示任何相關。就整體而言,八個變因對神經行為測試所能解釋的變異由5%〜44%不等。因數分析的結果得知十一項測試可由四個因數代表,其比率分別為17%、15%、13%、13%。所代表的意義分別為反應時間、學習記憶、單純運動功能、立即記憶功能。
Five hundred and six volunteers were enrolled in this study. A revised Chinese version of the Neurobehavioral Evaluation System(C) was performed. The age distribution ranged from 15 to 75 years with a mean of 35 years. The education level ranged from 6 to 24 years of schooling with a mean of 13.7 years. The male to female ratio was is 2 to 1. Age, general intelligence, education level, sex, drinking, smoking, parental socioeconomic status and familiarity to computer were used as covariates in the multiple regression model. The results showed all the tests were affected by age in a negative direction. Males were found to be superior to female in performing finger tapping (dominant hand) and in the symbol-digit test whereas females were found to be superior to male in associated learning, switch attention and delayed associated recall. Education level and vocabulary scores have positive effects on more than half of the tests. Symbol-digit test, pattern comparison, visual digit span and serial digit learning are positively correlated with familiarity with computers. Parental socioeconomical status had subtle effects on some tests. Smoking and drinking had no significant effects in the multiple regression model. The variance of the neurobehavioral tests explained by the 8 covariates ranged from 5% to 44%. Factor analysis showed that eleven tests can be explained by 4 factors. Factor 1 represented reaction time. Factor 2 was related to learning/memory function. Factor 3 represented simple motor function. Factor 4 stood for immediate memory.
起訖頁 95-110
關鍵詞 神經行為測試神經行為評估系統因數分析neurobehavioral testNeurobehavioral Evaluation System(C)factor analysis
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 199606 (4:2期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 勞工血液中鎘生物偵測分析方法之研究
該期刊-下一篇 半導體廠黃光區空氣中有機混存物分析方法




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