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Analysis and Preventive Strategy for Electrical Shock Accidents at Construction Workplace
作者 蘇文源杜偉民
國內感電類型重大職業災害多年來一直高居全產業重大職業災害之第二位,尤其營造業工作場所更因其現場之臨時性、複雜性及勞工流動性高,而成為最常發生感電重大職業災害之行業。本研究乃針對國內七十八年至八十二年營造業所發生之223件感電重大職業災害案件,依災害發生之時間、地點、事業單位、罹災者、媒介物、災害原因及保護裝置、防護具和防護裝備之使用與雇主違反勞工安全衛生設施規則之情形等進行統計分析。其中有關災害原因,本文再將其歸納分為:誤觸高壓電、誤觸低壓電、電器設備漏電、承攬台電外線工程作業及電焊機作業等五種主要感電原因,最後依此五種災害原因,提出適當之防止對策,其防止對策乃以工程技術改善為主,而有關教育訓練及 「管理方面之探討為輔。
In many years, the electrocution has been the second serious hazards for all industries in Taiwan. Especially, electrical shock accidents often happen in the construction industry because there are complex and temporary environments at construction sites and the labors are usually transient from one place to another. This study is based on 223 cases of electrical shock accidents of construction projects which occurred between 1989 and 1993. We have discussed, analyzed and compiled statistics of these cases in terms of time and the place of the accidents, severity of the casualty, media of accidents, causes of accidents and violations against the Regulations of Safety and Health Equipments and Devices, etc. We have catergorized the causes of hazards to five classes in this study. These are: contact with high- voltage electrical power, contact with low- voltage electrical power, the electrical leakage of electrical equipments, engineering contracts for the TPC (Taiwan Power Company), and working with welding machines. Finally, according to these five causes of electrical shocks, we also suggest proper protection to these situations. The primary means to prevent the hazards are remediations of engineering technique; training and education and the management are secondary considerations.
起訖頁 105-115
關鍵詞 感電營造業漏電electrical shock accidentconstructionelectrical leakage
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 199512 (3:4期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 模板支撐架縮小模型之自然頻率量測及理論分析




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