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勞工安全衛生研究季刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Survey of Safety Devices on Garbage Trucks for Collectors
作者 張珣杰謝文儒楊智旭劉昭華高崇洋
本篇的主要目的,在調查與分析環境清潔車在防止清潔人員作業時發生意外摔落的問題。因為現階段清潔人員為了上下車作業的方便,在收集垃圾時皆站在環境清潔車尾部的腳踏板,而以手攀附在環境清潔車尾部的扶手。由於環境清潔車尾部並沒有任何的安全裝置,因此很容易因為疏忽而發生墜落受傷的意外,所以我們將針對此問題,探訪全省各地清潔隊員,瞭解其工作情況。我們已對全省的清潔隊員做抽樣問卷調查,從調查中發現,竟然有高達四成左右的清 潔人員曾經因不小心而從清潔車上摔落,而且從調查中亦發現有91%的清潔人員認為需要更多的安全防護裝置來保護清潔人員的安全。由於大部分的清潔人員在搭乘清潔車收集垃圾時是攀附在清潔車車尾上,因此腳踏板的大小及扶手直接影響到清潔人員是否容易從車上摔落。然而不論從問卷調查或實際訪查中 皆發現到目前清潔車的踏板太小,以致於清潔人員站立的地方不足。另外為扶手設置不當,造成不易攀附。因此目前最迫切需要解決的問題便是增加腳踏板面積及改善扶手裝置。
The purpose of this research is to survey and investigate the danger risk for the collectors of garbage trucks. There is no safety device on the rear part of garbage trucks at this moment in Taiwan. Stepping on the riding step and holding on the grab of garbage truck, some collectors might fall down easily from the truck by several critical conditions during the regular operating environment. From research results, there are 39% collectors who had ever fallen down from the truck and 91% collectors who want more safety devices to protect their life. Usually, collectors like to step on the riding step and hold on the grab on the rear part of garbage trucks when they are working. So, the main reason for the collector to fall down are the size of riding step and the holding grab design. The results show that the riding step and the holding grab need to be redesigned for the safety reason.
起訖頁 37-46
關鍵詞 腳踏板扶手安全性Riding stepGrabSafety
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 199506 (3:2期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 熱環境暴露指標之改進研究
該期刊-下一篇 職業壓力指標之探討——以臺灣國營企業員工為例




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