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From Zhuangzi to Ji Kang: New Perspectives on Sheng and Qi
作者 吳冠宏
在湯用彤 (1893-1964) 玄學典範論述的籠罩下,後繼學者向來難以逾越其論述之宏規,岑溢成認為嵇康 (223-262) 從論辯思維上體現《莊子.齊物論》「無」的精神,謝大寧則以老莊之回歸及宗教的改造來重新評估嵇康玄學的價值,兩者皆能連結莊子思想,以跳開湯用彤有無之辯的玄學格局,所論雖仍有其偏限之處,然相較於一般僅著眼於莊子生命風格的常論,就嵇康玄學的詮釋史而言,都具有破舊開新的意義。以往魏晉的氣論被視為一種漢儒舊思維的殘留,向來沒有地位,可見開闢一條以「氣」為考察之思想史的發展進路,對魏晉此一階段的思想而言實有其迫切之需要。有鑒於此,本文開啟「聲」與「氣」之視域,一則探源於《莊子》,以突顯兩者之間存在著血脈一貫的氣論;二則指出嵇康的〈聲無哀樂論〉在以氣通道的思想向度下,透過滌情顯氣之聆樂體道的論述與實踐,完成人心與和聲相須以合德的典範論述,使之得以立足於氣論而別出於王弼 (226-249) 與郭象 (252-312) 的談有論無之外。研究嵇康玄學,筆者先啟之以「情」,後繼之以「氣」,以往建構其三層聲情關係及明膽關係,意在掘發其具有無辯證性思維的特徵,如今進一步開啟「聲」與「氣」的視域,當可使「玄學名理」與「才性名理」皆透過「氣」的連結而合會於嵇康,進而重新勾勒嵇康在玄學史上的核心角色,以再造魏晉新道家的另一高峰。
The influence of Tang Yongtong’s seminal study of xuanxue has been farreaching, and most later scholars working on xuanxue have endorsed his general approach. Two important exceptions to this trend are the studies of Cen Yicheng and Xie Daning. Cen Yicheng suggested that Ji Kang’s dialectical thinking embodied Zhuangzi’s notion of wu, whereas Xie Daning reevaulated the value of Ji Kang’s metaphysics in terms of Lao-Zhuang thought. Both scholars adopted an approach that differed from Tang Yongtong’s, and despite certain shortcomings, their research has pioneered a direction of study different from that found in previous work on Ji Kang. Discourse on qi during the Wei-Jin period has been seen as being embedded in traditional Confucian thinking, and, for this reason, it has received little scholarly attention. This study asserts that a new line of inquiry into how qi was viewed during this era is needed, and it seeks to accomplish this by focusing on the concepts of sheng and qi. On the one hand, it traces how Zhuangzi conceived of the relationship between these two notions. On the other hand, it considers how Ji Kang’s Sheng wu aile lun developed the theoretical and practical aspects of the connection between qing and qi. It moreover explains how his discourse on qi differed from the notions of you and wu espoused by Wang Bi and Guo Xiang. This investigation of Ji Kang’s metaphysics first examines his view of qing before turning to an analysis of his conception of qi. In contrast to my previous research, which elucidated the relationship between sheng and qing, this article explores how sheng and qi relate to one another. It also seeks to reevalaute Ji Kang’s status in the history of xuanxue with a view of leading Wei-Jin Neo-Daoist studies to scale heights.
起訖頁 1-28
關鍵詞 嵇康玄學莊子氣論聲無哀樂論Ji Kangxuanxue (metaphysics)ZhuangziQi theorySheng wu aile lun
刊名 清華學報  
期數 201403 (44:1期)
出版單位 國立清華大學
該期刊-下一篇 中古道教史中的三皇文傳統研究




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