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Looking Around with Pride Looking Up at the Sky and Shouting: Shi Da-san's Xing Ji Tu and Its Inscriptions
作者 毛文芳
禪僧釋大汕(1637–1705)早年住居吳地,多與江南遺民勝流如杜濬、吳偉業、方文、陳維崧、方以智等文人交遊。30餘歲主持廣州長壽菴,又與南海屈大均、陳恭尹、梁佩蘭等名士時相往來。迎上名流繪像的風潮,大汕約在康熙中葉展開自畫像的工程,以《行跡圖》紀錄個人行止,刊刻於《離六堂集》卷首。圖凡34 幅,約作於康熙17年至26年間,以自己為像主,透過不同的情境設計,勾描個人豐富的行跡。一圖一題,分別向江南文士與嶺南僧友索題。《行跡圖》34 幅大規模成套的畫像冊頁十分罕見,不厭瑣碎地以繪筆展現個人行跡,牽涉了對生命龐大架構的記錄渴望,是一套包含人生多重面向的圖畫傳記,追憶像主幼年至中歲的個人圖史。本文針對《行跡圖》的圖繪與題辭意涵,提出禪僧本色、敘事性畫面與禪修意涵、儒釋互融、隨機遊戲以及包含雅會座談、人倫器用、雜學淹博、遺民聲音等多元面向分別進行析探;結論部份,首先探討釋大汕遭議引謗與才情奔放的兩面性格,其次歸納《行跡圖》的圖面設計與符號化物象,以及互文性與文本的聲音,最後以尾聲扣題。大汕《行跡圖》誠為一個明清畫像/題詠/傳記多重文本書寫的典型個案,其構畫理念與題辭的觀看思維,絲縷般地牽連著清初的文化氛圍。
Shi Da-san 釋大汕 (1637-1705) spent his youth in the Wu region and became a Zen monk. He befriended men in southern China who had been among the social elite of the previous dynasty, such as: Du Jun, Wu Wei-ye, Fang Wen, and Fan Yi-zhi. In his thirties, he directed the Longevity Monastery in Guangzhou, where he cultivated friendships with local celebrities, such as: Qu Da-jun, Chen Gong-yin, and Liang Pei-lan. Following the trend of portrait painting, Shi Da-san began a series of thirty-four self-portraits during the reign of Emperor Kang Xi. The collection these images, called Xing Ji Tu 行跡圖, provide a pictorial narration of his life. Each of the self-portraits has inscriptions from the educated elite or monks, as requested by Shi Da-san, and the inscriptions are collected in the first chapter of his book Li Liu Tang Ji 離六堂集. The self-portrait album is a rarity and a record of Shi Da-san's life from childhood to his middle age, a life embracing the mundane world and the pursuit of the religious world while befriending social elite. This paper explores the messages in the self-portraits of Xing Ji Tu and their inscriptions from the perspectives of Zen, the mingling of Confucianism and Buddhism, and the multifaceted life. The conclusion discusses the talent and defamation of Shi Da-san, categorizes the design and symbolic images in the self-portraits, and explores the intertextuality and sounds of the text. Shi Da-san's Xing Ji Tu is a classic example of multi-textual writing—portraits, inscriptions, and biography—which provides a glimpse into the culture of the early Qing Dynasty.
起訖頁 789-850
關鍵詞 釋大汕行跡圖自畫像題辭儒釋相融Shi Da-san 釋大汕Xing Ji Tu 行跡圖self-portraitinscriptionthe mingling of Confucianism and Buddhism
刊名 清華學報  
期數 201012 (40:4期)
出版單位 國立清華大學
該期刊-上一篇 論海南閩語被動句式




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