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Wen Jiweng of the Late Southern Song: The Man, His Life, and His Poem West Lake
作者 林順夫
中國南宋末期作家文及翁的調寄〈賀新郎〉之西湖詞,一直被批評家譽為是「千古傳誦」的好詞,然而學界對此詞的論述卻並非詳盡。本文旨在填補這一研究上的空缺,以求對文及翁生平及其西湖詞做一較為全面完整的解讀。本文先從若干筆記史料中所載之文及翁軼事入手, 探察了〈賀新郎〉一詞創作及流傳的實際情況。在此基礎上,本文綜合現有資料,對文及翁其人、其事及其學問、著作,進行簡要的論述。論文的第三部分是對〈賀新郎〉一詞的分節細讀,同時也對詞中所用歷史典故及藝術手法加以詳細分析。最後,本文通過對「南宋君臣沉溺湖山歌舞以至亡國」這一主題的形成及傳播歷史的剖析,指出文及翁西湖詞中所透露出的對南宋國事的預見性,以及此詞在南宋詞史和中國文化史上的特殊意義。
The poem West Lake, set to the tune of 'Ho Hsin Lang' ('Congratulating the Bridegroom') and attributed to Wen Jiweng of the late Southern Song (1127-1279), has been read with admiration by critics and ordinary people alike throughout the centuries. However, this poem has never been thoroughly studied. This paper attempts to provide a more comprehensive interpretation of this remarkable poem and its probable author's career in order to fill this lacuna in scholarship. It begins with an examination of the poem's composition and circulation as recorded in available manuscripts. It then extends to the investigation of the man Wen Jiweng: his career, his learning, and his extant writings. The third section of the paper presents a c10se reading of the poem with an eye to all of the historical allusions and the artistic features found in the text. The last section of the paper explores the theme of the fall of the Southern Song, caused by the relent1ess pursuit of pleasure among the elite and well-to-do urban dwellers. The expression of this theme as a prediction of the downfall of the dynasty has won Wen Jiweng a significant place in the history of Southern Song poetry and Chinese culture.
起訖頁 63-124
關鍵詞 文及翁西湖詞南宋衰亡西湖歌舞文化批評Wen Jiwengpoem of West LakeLate Southern Songcultural criticism
刊名 清華學報  
期數 200903 (39:1期)
出版單位 國立清華大學
該期刊-上一篇 音誦與救度:《太上洞玄靈寶空洞靈章經》之研究
該期刊-下一篇 「事天」與「尊天」——明末清初地方儒者的宗教關懷




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