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On the Front Rounded Vowels in the Puxian Dialect of Min
作者 劉秀雪
莆仙方言前圓唇元音的形成與次方言差異是本文論述重點。前圓唇元音是閩東方言與莆仙方言共有的語音特徵之一,但兩地方言在分布上有異同處,同時莆仙內部次方言也有差異。本文主張前圓唇元音在莆仙的成形與推廣,一開始緣於詞彙借入,因唐宋以來文讀音散播,與閩東方言影響,使得 [y]韻進入莆仙方言。而後莆仙進一步推演出圓唇共諧概念,所以閩南的[iɔŋ, uan]韻,莆仙相應轉為相應的[yɒŋ, øŋ]韻。在引入前圓唇元音後,為了保有原有白讀音位與新進文讀音之間的區辨性,莆仙又以既有之前圓唇音位特徵衍生出[ø]韻,從而形成現有莆仙方言的各類前圓唇元音。同時,對莆仙韻母的內部次方言差異可歸納出三類肇因:1)同一規則在各地演變速率不一;2)同一規則應用範圍擴大;及3)為了維持語言內部系統性區辨,致使連續性地調整變化產生。
This paper explains the development of front rounded vowels and its sub-dialectal variations in the Puxian dialect of Min. Front rounded vowels are found in both Eastern Min and Puxian, but their distributions in the two dialects are different; in addition, Puxian also has sub-dialectal differences. In this paper, I argue that the front rounded vowel [y] was introduced into Puxian via lexical borrowing from Northern Guanhua and Eastern Min. Puxian further developed rounding harmony, which resulted in [yɒŋ, øŋ] (corresponding to [iɔŋ, uan] in Southern Min). The feature combination [-back,+round] was also employed to preserve the phonemic contrast of both colloquial and literal strata in the phonological system, and [ø] final was formed then. In other words, front rounded vowels entered the Puxian phonological system at different times and through various routes. I give three factors which influenced the sub-dialectal variations of finals in Puxian: 1) differing speed and spread of sound change among sub-dialects, 2) phonological rules which applied to different domains, and 3) maintenance of systemic contrast via successive adaptations of finals in some sub-dialects.
起訖頁 529-561
關鍵詞 前圓唇元音莆仙方言閩語語言接觸Front rounded vowelsPuxian dialectMin dialectLanguage contact
刊名 清華學報  
期數 200812 (38:4期)
出版單位 國立清華大學
該期刊-下一篇 鴉片戰爭時期中英鐵砲材質的優劣比較研究




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