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New Discoveries of Chinese Poetic Collections from Dunhuang
作者 楊明璋
本文主要是以徐俊的《敦煌詩集殘卷輯考》一書為基礎,對之做了若干的補正。凡有三方面的新發現:一是經考辨得知某一作品歸屬於某一作者,如P.2673 的〈初度嶺過韶州靈鷺廣果二寺其寺院相接故問詩〉與〈江上羈情〉二詩當為宋之間的佚作,而P.3906的〈貧士述情〉則是出自哥舒翰之手筆,又〈大漠行〉與李昂也有相當的關係。二是增補某一作品還有其他寫本,如「夕夕多長夜」詩不但可見於BD02126 ,「送遠還通達」詩可見於BD01957V 、中研院傅圖藏編號4V ,而且均可在長沙窯瓷器題詩裡見到;他如,〈寒食篇〉又可見於S.6208V+S.3227 ,而〈錦衣篇〉則又可見於P.2598V 。三是釐訂某一作品的若干錄文,如「爾日更顒顒」(〈初度嶺〉)與「黃雲黯黯日光耶」(〈大漠行〉),分別是「爾日更顒顒」與「黃雲黯黯日光斜」之訛。
This paper amends and revises some parts of Chinese Poetic Collections from Dunhuang written by Xu Jun. This paper identifies some authors of some works by means of textual research: P.2673 Chu du ling guo shaozhou lingjiu guangguo er si qi siyuan xian gjie gu tong shi 初度嶺過韶州靈鷺廣果二 寺其寺院相接故同詩and Jiang shang ji qing 江上羈情belong to Song ZhiWen; P.3906 Pinshi shuqing 貧士述情comes from the handwriting of Geshuhan; and Damoxing 大漠行may have been written by Li Ang. This paper supplements some of these manuscripts with other manuscripts. The poem, 'xi xi duo zhang ye 夕夕多長夜' can be seen in BD02126 and 'song yuan hai tong da 送遠還通達' can be seen in BD01957V; both poems also appear in 4V held at the Fu Ssu-nien Library at Academia Sinica. All of them can be seen on vases produced by the Changsha kiln. Hanshipian 寒食篇can be seen in S. 6208V +S.3227, and jin;ipian 錦衣篇can be seen in P.2598V. Finally, this paper amends some addenda of some works: 'er yue geng yong yong 爾日更顒顒' (chu du ling 初度嶺) and 'huang yun an an ri guang ye 黃雲黯黯日光耶' (da mo xing 大漠行) should be 'erri geng yong yong 爾日更顒顒' and 'huang yun an an ri guang xie 黃雲黯黯日光斜'.
起訖頁 157-174
關鍵詞 敦煌宋之問李昂哥舒翰長沙窯寫本DunhuangpoemSong ZhiwenLi AngGeshuhanChangsha kilnmanuscripts
刊名 清華學報  
期數 200803 (38:1期)
出版單位 國立清華大學
該期刊-上一篇 簡本《水滸傳》王慶部分探幽




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