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Gaining Insight into the Discourse of Knowledge: Definition of and Discourse on Taiwan's Contemporary 'Nature Writing'
作者 蕭義玲
In the wake of the rise of a new writing pattern in literary circles in Taiwan, 'nature writing' has earned attention from numerous researchers as such writing further sets as a starting point for definition and discourse based on its 'novelty.' The central point of this paper will be to ask: 'How will the contemporary academic circle define and give discourse on the 'novelty' of nature writing?' On the basis of such a meta -stance, this essay will suggest that the existing definition and discourse of 'nature writing' function as one clue about the 'meaning context' for further thinking. With regard to the concern over the 'novelty' of 'nature writing,' this paper will focus on the research into 'meaning and epochal themes entertained by nature writing.' Since that the issues will inspire our concern toward the corresponding approaches, issues of meaning the corresponding approach signify will be the highlighted characteristic in this essay.
起訖頁 491-533
關鍵詞 自然寫作自然書寫生態文學現代性隱喻nature writingnatural writingmodernityecological literaturemetaphor
刊名 清華學報  
期數 200712 (37:2期)
出版單位 國立清華大學
該期刊-上一篇 理雅各與基督教至高神譯名之爭
該期刊-下一篇 「諧聲關係」的「建構」──以中古章系來源及其他問題為例




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