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The Transmission of Western Learning and the Evidential Studies of Natural Knowledge in Late Ming: The Case of Xiong Mingyu on the Generation of Hail
作者 徐光台
In late Ming, while Jesuits came to propagate Christianity in China, they also transmitted alternative natural knowledge which is different from that of Chinese. This paper aims at investigating the evidential studies of traditional natural knowledge in terms of that of western learning done by Xiong Mingyu (1579-1649) in his works of Ze cao 則草and Gezhi cao 格致草. The author finds that, in Song dynasty Zhu Xi believed that hail was generated by lizards. This view became popular from Song to the end of Ming. Nevertheless, in the context of 'gewu qiongli,' it implies that the bizarre case of hail generated by lizards has its own reason. Under the impact of Aristotelian natural philosophy, Xiong Mingyu found that the reasons put forth to explain the generation of hail in Chinese traditions were different from that of Aristotelian philosophers. Through his evidential study on this case, he contended that the reasons offered by Confucians are not clear; especially, he considered the generation of hail by lizards to be groundless. It became a very solid case of the relation between Neo-Confucianism and science, showing that Xiong Mingyu was a pioneer of the evidential studies of natural knowledge in the encounter of western natural philosophy and Neo-Confucianism.
起訖頁 117-157
關鍵詞 明代自然知識考據學朱熹蜥蜴生雹耶穌會士亞里斯多德四元素說熊明遇《則草》《格致草》儒學與科學Mingevidential studies of natural knowledgeZhu Xihail generated by lizardsJesuitsAristotlefour elementsXiong MingyuZe caoGezhi caoConfucianism (Neo-Confucianism) and Science
刊名 清華學報  
期數 200706 (37:1期)
出版單位 國立清華大學
該期刊-上一篇 光、死亡與重生--王重陽內丹密契經驗的內涵與特質
該期刊-下一篇 《大衍曆》日食原理




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