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Correlative Thinking, Recitation and the Realization of Desire in Early Han Fu
作者 鄭毓瑜
This essay takes as its point of departure the curative powers of Mei Sheng's 'Seven Stimuli'; goes on to discuss relevant passages from texts such as Han feizi, Lushi chunqiu, and Huai nanzi; and cites as points of com parison 'Zixu's Rhapsody,' 'Rhapsody on Shanglin,' and 'Rhapsody on Wind Pipes.' My discussion follows two lines of inquiry: (1) in what manner can the epideictic (fu) poet-who can cite the names of myriad things and recite history through verse-be likened to a philosopher or a medicine man in his role as caretaker of the ruler's health; at the same time, how do the curative techniques offered by the epideictic poet compare to inquiries into fundamental cosmic principles, ethical norms, and medical techniques? (2) how can pleasures in particular, the pleasures of sight and sound-be experienced through language? The emphasis of my essay is on analyzing the epideictic poet's deployment of categories that organize experience and the effects of reduplicative binomials. Such binomials, by virtue of being able to take on multiple referents simultaneously, can create correspondences across categories. Through these two lines of discussion, I wish to reframe the epideictic verse of the early Han as a technique of nurturing the ruler's health, and understand how desires based in perception are understood as an accepted mode of narrating experience through a concrete analysis of the workings of fu language.
起訖頁 399-425
關鍵詞 漢大賦七發連類諷誦嗜欲體驗身體醫療Han fuSeven Stimulicorrelative thinkingrecitationexperience of pleasurenurturing the body
刊名 清華學報  
期數 200612 (36:2期)
出版單位 國立清華大學
該期刊-上一篇 人性善惡與天人分合--孟、荀心性論說之型態及其意義
該期刊-下一篇 典範、對位、自我書寫:論蘇軾集中的《和陶擬古》九首




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