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Text That Is Becoming: A Deleuzian Understanding of the Concept of Translation
作者 Pei-yun Chen (Pei-yun Chen)
This paper begins with a brief review of the development of contemporary translation theory and indicates that the impasse of the conceptual thinking about translation is situated in the impossible conciliation between hierarchical and horizontal structures of translation. Departing from this impasse, this paper suggests understanding the concept of translation in terms of Deleuze’s difference and repetition, and several relevant Deleuzian concepts, such as simulacrum, the virtual-actual relation, and becoming, are also employed. The second part of this paper takes Borges’s story “Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote” as an example to explore the notion of repetition and its connection to translation. The main argument is: what can be translated does not exist prior to its translation. Translation makes what can be translated show itself in translation. Whereas translation is understood as simulacrum, it is no longer the reproduction of a text that already existed; rather, translation is set in motion as it actualizes a virtual text. Menard’s translation, the most exact, the strictest repetition, sets a virtual text in motion. Virtual text is not a text that already existed, but a text that is becoming. If translation is essentially involved with translating act, any translating act should make the text act, making it carry out immediate acts. This paper proposes that creating simulacra is an affirmative translating act that sets the text in becoming.
起訖頁 1-23
關鍵詞 翻譯擬象波赫斯德勒茲差異與重覆虛擬與實在translationsimulacrumBorgesDeleuzedifference and repetitionthe virtual and the actual
刊名 臺大語言與文學研究  
期數 201012 (24期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-下一篇 Prince of the Himalayas: A Reconstruction of Tibetan Cultural Identities Throufh the Meeting of Tibet, Shakespeare, and China




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