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Dystopic Here, Utopic There: Spatial Dialectics in SKY Lee’s Disappearing Moon Cafe
作者 Bennett Yu-Hsiang Fu (Bennett Yu-Hsiang Fu)
In what ways has mobility transfigured and de-homogenized Chinese Canadian identity formation in the new millennium? This paper focuses on how racialized and sexualized spaces are redefined by parameters of displacement in SKY Lee’s Disappearing Moon Cafe (1990). Ethno-sexual discourses in Lee’s novel bring alternative sexualities into dialogue in the form of a “spatial dialectics”: the characters’ deterritorialization between China and Canada, between here and there, between the inside and the outside, and between the private and the public. The spatial dialectics and alternative sexualities defined by mobility and immobility hold a dual symbolic significance of revolt against the singular nation-state and against any fixture of locations. Lee’s novel thus puts home, homeland, homing, and homosexuality in a permanently dialogical redefinition, and through the spatial dialectics, the displacement becomes a rethinking of home(land) across multiple identity formations and a renegotiation of numerous locations “out here, over there” or “out there, over here” in new Chinese Canadian narratives.
起訖頁 61-80
關鍵詞 移置空間辯證另類性相性別逾越華裔加拿大文學李群英《殘月樓》displacementspatial dialecticsalternative sexualitiessexual transgressionChinese Canadian LiteratureSKY LeeDisappearing Moon Café
刊名 臺大語言與文學研究  
期數 200806 (19期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 Stranger on a Train': Denshaotoko, Serialization, and Otaku Cosmopolitanism
該期刊-下一篇 The “Perfect” Woman in The Tempest: A Comparative Deconstruction of Miranda’s Body




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