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From Materialist Feminism to Chodorow’s Mothering: Economy, Energy, and Expenditure
作者 Jeffrey W. Salyer (Jeffrey W. Salyer)
本文討論以下數個理論言談的觀點:例如,馬克思主張的製造和過剩的概念,佛洛伊德對於精神的經濟學上的了解,巴塔耶的非創造花費之理論化,以及唯物女性主義。這些理論方法的交叉討論,可以使大家對於南西‧卻多洛評估之嬰孩發展,特別是發展盡母職的重製有新的了解。作者首先發展二個類比,結構上以在1970 和1980 年代女性主義重讀的方式,連接馬克思和佛洛伊德。雖然以心理分析唯物女性主義和女性主義的閱讀中的言談,解開純粹物質基礎的經濟,他們傾向過度決定製造與再製造的分類,同時沒有充分注意適用於男士或女士之花費的理論。巴塔耶作用將此問題的兩面聯結,因此建議需重新閱讀佛洛伊德和卻多洛的作品。巴塔耶所增加的動力,促使我們重新考慮嬰兒主要的自戀,以及在形成自我的事實原則的作用。消費的疏遠是進入限制經濟的點,中心是事實原則的本身,的確缺乏是此發展背後之動力。但是這種對缺乏的了解,甚至母性以及回到成人時期的花費之處,是比回應個人心理更大的文化與歷史力量。如果我們相信這個成分屬於心理分析。我們關心的不只是盡母職之重造,而且也在乎盡母職當成花費的方法,以及主要以認同佛洛伊德及卻多洛為特色,所複製的花費與消費的形式。
Aspects of several theoretical discourses—Marx’s notion of production and surplus, Freud’s economic understanding of the psyche, Bataille’s theorization of non-productive expenditure, and materialist feminism— are discussed in this essay. The intersection of these theoretical approaches sheds new light on Nancy Chodorow’s appraisals of infantile development, particularly as it is developed in The Reproduction of Mothering. I first develop a two-fold analogy which structurally links the ways Marx and Freud were re-read by feminism in the 1970s and 1980s. Although materialist feminism and feminist readings of psychoanalytic discourse unchain these economies from a purely material basis, they tend to overdetermine the categories of production and reproduction while not giving sufficient attention to a theory of expenditure for either men or women. Bataille functions to link the two sides of this problem, suggesting new readings of Freud and Chodorow. The vector added by Bataille invites us to reconsider infantile primary narcissism and the function of the reality principle in ego formation. The alienation of consumption is the point of entry into the restricted economy whose center is the reality principle itself, and indeed scarcity is the motive force behind this development. But the understanding of scarcity and even motherhood and the return to this site of expenditure in adulthood, if we credence this element in psychoanalysis, are responsive to cultural and historical forces greater than individual psychology. We are concerned not only with the reproduction of mothering but of mothering as a means to expend, and the replication of forms of expenditure and consumption which characterize (for Freud and Chodorow) primary identification.
起訖頁 1-33
關鍵詞 心理分析盡母職非創造的花費唯物女性主義materialist feminismpsychoanalysismotheringnonproductive expenditure
刊名 臺大語言與文學研究  
期數 200806 (19期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-下一篇 Stranger on a Train': Denshaotoko, Serialization, and Otaku Cosmopolitanism




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