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On Subjectivity in Deleuze’s The Fold
作者 Catherine Ju-Yu Cheng (Catherine Ju-Yu Cheng)
主體的探究向來都是人文與哲學思考關注的重點,而自從十六世紀,笛卡兒以方法上的懷疑,推導出一個不可懷疑的「思惟主體」,並將此「思惟主體」與具有廣延性的物質同視為實體後,開啟近代哲學心物二元論的新起點。笛卡兒推導出的哲學基點──正在思惟的我存在──的「我思故我在」一語,也成為舉世皆知的經典名言,並且從此開啟近代西方哲學對於主體性的種種討論與思辨。雖然笛卡兒在哲學史上,佔有如此重要的一席之地,並備受關注,但是他所推導出來的心物二元與主客對立的哲學體系,卻受到後來諸多哲學家與思想家的質疑與批評,因而引發了對於主體性的全面檢視與討論,在十八、十九世紀的哲學家思想中,諸如萊布尼茲、康德乃至存在主義之海德格、沙特等,主體性無不成為一個重要的主題。而這種對於主體的討論,甚至一直延續到後現代的思潮中。在後現代思想中,拉康認為,所謂主體乃是一種「空缺的主體」(the subject of lack),永遠飄盪在「思」(thought)與「存有」(being)之間;李歐塔(Lyotard)則認為所謂的主體是:在發言者、收話者與指示對象三者間的位移主體(addresser, addressee, and referent)。而德勒茲在此對主體性熱切討論的思潮下,在其著作中提出新的主體性的意含,在The Fold《皺褶》一書中,其認為主體一如萊布尼茲的單子,是循著兩個方向邁向無限的皺褶:一為物質的重褶,一為靈魂內的皺褶。單子皺褶的捲藏、交疊或持展構成一幅心靈宇宙旋舞圖,主體與世界的置換化身為宇宙幻舞,一如那濕婆神所跳之寓毀滅與再生於一體之舞。本文乃欲以運用量子力學中光的波粒二象性,與物理學家波恩的全動像式理論(holomovement),來闡釋萊布尼茲與德勒茲的單子主體論。量子力學中的光的波粒二象性解釋了主體與世界的關係,光的移動是以波的形式前進,然而在一極微點中,光是以粒子狀態呈顯,流轉中的單子主體(粒子)所形成的軌跡(波),正如世界的諸序列(series of the world),而世界是藉由主體不停地捲藏與綻放所生成的。「世界是無限的曲線,它在觀點的無限性中觸及曲線的無限性,這是獨特的變異曲線,是所有系列的收斂系列。」(The Fold 24)整個世界內存於單子全體,雖然每個單子只能清晰地表達世界的某個角落,但世界的諸序列卻彼此混通(compossible),共構成一個最美好的世界。此外,物理學家波恩將宇宙視為全動像式的(holomovement),他認為宇宙萬物被全像的隱含秩序層(implicate order)捲藏在內,此隱含秩序層就像龐大的能量之海蘊生出萬物──原子,海洋及宇宙中閃亮的星晨,綻放出的萬物則稱作顯明秩序層(explicate order)。德勒茲認為事件蘊生於渾沌(chaos)之中,必須透過某種濾篩(主體)才得以顯現。而單子主體將在觀點的無限性中擷取其所需並表達出世界的某個區域,此區域稱為靈魂內的振輻 (amplitude)。本文即將從德勒茲的著作,特別是The Fold《皺褶》一書,來釐清與說明德勒茲的主體性意含。本文分為五部份,第一部份首先將歸納整理從笛卡兒以降幾位具代表性的理論家對主體性概念之陳述,並標示出其差異性與獨特性,第二部份我將試圖詮釋萊布尼茲與德勒茲的單子主體論。第三部份與第四部份乃運用量子力學中光的波粒二象性,與波恩的全動像式理論(holomovement),來闡釋萊布尼茲與德勒茲的單子主體論。第五部份則為結論。
“What, or rather who, is the subject?” (Critchley 13). For Descartes, the thinking subject, which is “rectilinear” and “can be divided into discrete units”, stands at the center of the quincunx1 2 and conquers the world through its own rules. The Cartesian standpoint was further developed by Kant, whose transcendental subject is independent of the empirical world of causation and change, and imposes a priori logical categories upon incoming sense impressions in order to define experience. For Kant, although we cannot directly “know” (experience) our own subjectivity (reason, mind), its unity is presupposed by the “unity of our experience.” Over against this “Enlightenment” subject, Deleuze incorporates different theories of subjectivity in terms of his geometrical model based on the plane, creating his rhizomatics. In Deleuze’s universe, different series (the Hume-series, the Bergson-series, the Leibniz-series, the Nietzsche-Foucault-series, and the Nietzsche- Klossowski-series) interact and interpenetrate one another. Once the nostalgia for a substantial, core self fades away, the choreography between the subject and the world dazzles us with its infinite enfolding and unfolding. In this paper, I explore the concept of the subject in Deleuze’s The Fold. After briefly introducing the theories of subjectivity that have dominated the last thirty years of literary and cultural studies, I will discuss Deleuze’s use of Leibniz’s concept of the monad. Then, noting that the notion (model, picture) of the monad’s enfolding and unfolding seems congruent with that of light as wave/particle duality in quantum physics, and also with David Bohm’s physics-based thinking, I will employ the wave/particle duality model of light and Bohm’s concept of holomovement to illustrate the “becoming of the subject” in the third and fourth parts of my paper3.
起訖頁 79-100
關鍵詞 主體性德勒茲笛卡爾萊布尼茲量子力學光的波粒二象性波恩的全動像式理論單子學游牧學SubjectivityDeleuzeDescartesLeibnizquantum physicswave/particle Duality of lightDavid Bohm’s holomovementnomadologymonadology
刊名 臺大語言與文學研究  
期數 200706 (17期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 災難、感染、消散:(後)現代主體的自宮策略
該期刊-下一篇 亞瑟.墨菲對儒家與女性的觀點




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