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Unreal Images: Bei Dao's Dialogue with the Real
作者 Dian Li (Dian Li)
Bei Dao's hermitic style of poetry has been baffling his critics ever since he started writing. While his earlier ”Misty” poetry met with strong resistance from official Chinese critics, his continuing insistence on fragmented syntax and disjunctive imagery, while writing in exile, has earned him a few detractors in the West. Does Bei Dao resist reading? Can one make sense of his poetry? What is the relationship between meaning and interpretative certitude? These are some of the questions that the paper tries to address. With a careful reading of his selected poems, I will show how Bei Dao privileges ambiguity and uncertainty by focusing on the construction of unreal images, images that strikingly defy conventional rationality because they shy away from an expected correspondence to real and common life events. This ”unreal” imagery, whose power comes from an imaginative reordering of the real, forms a key aspect of Bei Dao's poetics.
起訖頁 197-218
關鍵詞 Bei Daounreal imageryanalogyinsomniasurrealism
刊名 同心圓:文學與文化研究  
期數 200601 (32:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學英語學系
該期刊-上一篇 Blood/Memory in N. Scott Momaday’s "The Names: A Memoir" and Linda Hogan’s "The Woman Who Watches over the World: A Native Memoir"
該期刊-下一篇 The Flaneur, the Flaneuse, and the Hostess: Virginia Woolf’s (Un)Domesticating Flanerie in "Mrs. Dalloway"




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