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(Trans)National Imaginary and Tropical Melancholy in Jessica Hagedorn’s "Dogeaters"
作者 Shu-Ching Chen (Shu-Ching Chen)
This paper explores the Philippines' specific condition of transnationality in Jessica Hagedorn's novel Dogeaters. I use the linkage of the four terms-images, imagined community, social imaginary and the ”identification imaginary” to examine the impact of global media on the nation's process of reconstruction in the aftermath of American colonization. The first section concentrates on a sociopolitical investigation of the intricate relationship between global media and the nation-state in the construction of an ”imagined community” based upon the cultural logic of ”the spectacle.” I argue that the cultural logic of the society of the spectacle serves as a codified ground for the social production of meaning, which becomes a new form of Foucauldian technique of power. The paper's second section turns to an in-depth psychoanalytical investigation of the trauma of loss and national melancholy hidden beneath the glossy surface of a society of the spectacle. Drawing upon Zizek's ideas of uncanniness and surplus enjoyment in modernity, LaCapra's distinction between absence, loss and lack, and Freud's mourning and melancholia, this section argues that the revealing of the trauma of the society of the spectacle through magic realistic accounts sets in motion a journey toward healing and awakening.
起訖頁 95-121
關鍵詞 Jessica HagedornDogeatersFilipino-American literaturetransnationimagined communitysocial imaginarythe society of the spectacleSynopticonmelancholy
刊名 同心圓:文學與文化研究  
期數 200501 (31:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學英語學系
該期刊-上一篇 Mutual Gazing and Self-Writing: Revisiting the Tale of Hong Kong and Shanghai as Global City-Regions
該期刊-下一篇 Transgressive Flows: Theorizing a Hauntology of Anti-Globalization




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