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Social Stratification and Plantation Mentality: Reading Milton Murayama
作者 Joan Chiung-Huei Chang (Joan Chiung-Huei Chang)
Differing from the Marxists' idea of ”social class” which differentiates people on the basis of capital (money and land), social stratification divides people on the basis of other forms of symbolic capital as well, including family background, religious influence, language, ethnicity, gender, and educational achievement. The result of social stratification is not only differentiation of personalities but also the sharpening of inequality and discrimination. Japanese American writer Milton Murayama has planned a tetralogy for the Oyama saga, with three novels published so far. Each deals with a specific variation of the ”plantation mentality,” understood as the mental attitude of people who, subject to a contract-like agreement, maintain a self-deprecatory attitude and toil to the point of self-sacrifice, as they are caught up in the intricacy of social stratification under the colonial surroundings in Hawaii. The present essay will discuss how the protagonists in the novels struggle to fight stratification and climb out of their ”plantation mentality.”
起訖頁 155-172
關鍵詞 Japanese American literaturesocial stratificationMilton Murayama'All I Asking for Is My Body''Five Years on a Rock''Plantation Boy'
刊名 同心圓:文學與文化研究  
期數 200407 (30:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學英語學系
該期刊-上一篇 Wordsworth Studies and the Ethics of Criticism: The "Tintern Abbey" Debate Revisited
該期刊-下一篇 Vierges en Fleurs: Baudelaire's Lesbian Poems and the Ethics of Writing Sameness




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