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作者 金華高
猶若其他任何的現代企業、醫療業(Medical industry)也必需要講究效率的增進,和經常研究改善。除了對最新醫療技術之追求發展外,尚應注重人員及設備之經濟而有效的運用,進而提高其作業成果之「質」和「量」。因此,我們必得講究「分工合作」、「集中管理」,以及所謂「一貫作業」等原則。
The mortality and mobility of the patients with acute heart attacks and other critical problems have been significantly reduced in the past few years, ever since the nation-wide establishment of ICUs at various mediacl institutions in this country. Nevertheless our experience agrees with that of many others' that the result can be further improved if the community can expand its emergency medical response system to include prompt application of resuscitative and livesupport measures prior to the patient's arrival to the hospital or unit designed for intensive therapy. Unforturuately, most of the ambulances answering the emergency calls are the station wagon, hearse, or general duty type of vehicles. They are meant primarily for smooth and rapid transportation and are not equipped with resuscitation and life-support facilities. In order ot fill the above mentioned gape we at Triservice General Hospital have improved our ICU service by converting a German-made ambulance into a mobile intensive care unit (MICU) with a well trained physician and nurse on board. This MICU is equipped with portable equipments essential for resuscitation and life-support measures; including battery-powered ECG, D. C. defibrillator, oxygen-powered cardiac massage and ventilation machines, Ambu bag, suction, oxygen masks and cylinders, air-ways, endotracheal intubation instruments, cut down and tracheostomy sets, catheters for pleural and other drainage, wound kits, splints, needles and syringes, fluid infusion and blood transfusion sets, plasma, I. V. fluids and cardiac and emergency drugs. Obiviously, this mobile unit is designed and equipped for management of all critically ill and injured patients rather than just for coronary or cardiac attacks cases. This, therefore, is called a Mobile Intensive Care Unit (MICU).
起訖頁 14-19
刊名 醫院  
期數 197303 (6:1期)
出版單位 台灣醫院協會
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣省立臺中醫院簡介
該期刊-下一篇 會計淺說——給醫院首長一級行政主管




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