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Amis Traditional Society and Property System
作者 蔡中涵
This article mainly for the study of property ownership East-Coast, his property can be divided into tribes of collective ownership and private ownership. Due to Amis family is matriarchal social, only woman has inherited property rights, and the man when marriage out he not get any land property, all left parents and his sisters. When his sisters or their children marriage, uncle came back home decided. The land, mountains, seas, and coastal reefs around the village as tribes shared by any family, be free to use, but sometimes indigenous leaders to decide what purpose or which field of land reclamation.
Ami's use of traditional property, of the succession system, while under the influence of modern economies have changed, however, the basic values do not disappear, such as fishing and hunting are considered a noble virtues and talents of the young people have the breadwinner. However, such as the traditional habit is often conflicts with the State’s legal system, just go fishing the fishing gun (actually a fish spear) was transferred to the Court, fish Spear is an important tool of Amis live and also very valuable property. The mountains are shared by all aboriginal tribes, but hunting will also be in conflict with the law. Some countries are now also notes that indigenous people in the traditional social norms, is the basis of maintaining social order and stability and, therefore, national legislation should respect the traditional habit and refer to the indigenous peoples, in order to achieve real democratic State attaches importance to human rights of the person.
起訖頁 1-17
關鍵詞 部落所有制個人所有制母系繼嗣集會所無形文化資產
刊名 台灣原住民族研究學報  
期數 201109 (1:3期)
出版單位 台灣原住民族研究學會
該期刊-下一篇 差異而不平等──原住民族產權特殊性的理解




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