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台灣家庭醫學雜誌 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Parental Factors and Child Health: Pilot Study of Taiwan Birth Cohort Study of 18-Month Old Children
作者 許晉誠施月婷林惠生李孟智 (Meng-Chih Lee)
本研究之目的為探討父母親的人口學特性和健康行為與幼兒健康指標之關係,以及照顧行為與幼兒健康指標之關係。本文為台灣出生世代研究先驅研究調查(II),以先驅研究調查(I)抽樣所得之幼兒(與其母親或主要照顧者)計1,783人為對象,於2005年5月至7月進行出生後十八個月時之訪視調查,問卷內容包含父母親之人文及社經背景、照護模式與幼兒之健康狀態、發展、健康照護及罹病情形。總計有1,620人(90.9%)完成先驅研究(II)訪視調查,無法完成的主要原因為拒訪。將經過卡方檢定後所得到之具有顯著意義的自變項納入,然後進行多變項邏輯式迴歸分析。結果顯示:十八個月大幼兒體重落後(<15th percentile)之預測因子包括女孩、早產兒以及低出生體重;幼兒曾住院之預測因子為母親有吸菸;幼兒曾送過急診之預測因子為男孩、母親生產後再度懷孕、母親有吸菸及是否另有6歲以下小孩。針對十八個月大幼兒之先驅性調查顯示:幼兒之生長狀況存在著男女差異及受出生時是否早產或低出生體重與否影響;而關於幼兒罹病及就醫之情形,則主要與母親是否有危害健康行為如吸菸、母親再度懷孕、幼兒性別以及是否另有6歲以下小孩有關。
This study is a pilot study of Taiwan Birth Cohort Study (TCBS) exploring the relationship between parental variables and child health; this is a report on children at 18 months of age. Mothers or primary caregivers of 1783 babies had previously completed questionnaires for this study when their babies were six moths of age. The questionnaire for this portion of the study was administered to the mothers or primary caregivers of the same children when the children were 18 months of age, from May to July 2005. A total of 1,620 questionnaires (90.9%) were completed. Factors associated with body weight <15th percentile at 18 months of age were gender, prematurity, and low birth weight. The single factor associated with hospitalization was maternal smoking. Emergency room visits were associated with gender, whether the mother was pregnant again, maternal smoking, and whether there are any other children younger than 6 years old in the family.
起訖頁 170-179
關鍵詞 Taiwan Birth Cohort Study TBCSparental factorschild health
刊名 台灣家庭醫學雜誌  
期數 200809 (18:3期)
出版單位 台灣家庭醫學醫學會
該期刊-上一篇 某醫院健康促進計畫對其員工體適能變化初探
該期刊-下一篇 肥胖青少年之校園體重管理計畫之成效評估




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