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台灣家庭醫學雜誌 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Abdominal Sonographic Screening among Nonlabor Employees in Taoyuan Area
作者 沈錳碩蕭添木曾嵩智周騰達許詩典李仰光馬漢庭張煥禎 (Huan-Cheng Chang)謝泉發
以腹部超音波檢查為疾病篩檢工具應用在非勞力職場員工,國內尚未發現有相關文獻報導其檢查結果的疾病型態與分佈。為了解腹部超音波篩檢對非勞力職場員工的健康管理效益,本研究收集自2005年1月至2005年12月間,以在桃園縣一所地區教學醫院接受健康檢查的公司員工為研究對象,排除其工作為勞力性質者、整體公司員工接受腹部超音波檢查人數小於100人者、以及員工接受超音波檢查人數少於總受檢人數七成者,共得有效樣本2,305人納入分析。結果超音波有異常發現者為57.3%,其中脂肪肝的盛行率為33.1% (男44.9%;女17.3%);膽息肉5.9%;膽結石2.0%;肝血管瘤2.0%;肝囊腫2.3%;腎囊腫2.7%;腎結石1.8%。男性在膽結石、肝血管瘤、肝囊腫、腎結石有隨年齡層上升而增加的趨勢;女性的脂肪肝、膽結石亦有隨年齡層上升而增加的趨勢。透過本研究之樣本限制,降低樣本的選擇性誤差和自願性效應後發現,腹部超音波檢查仍然可以篩檢出三成的脂肪肝,以及須持續追蹤管理的膽息肉和膽結石等異常發現。因此在跳過成本效益之基礎上,可嘗試建議在年度健康檢查中有限度地納入腹部超音波檢查,或有助於公司提供對非勞力職場員工肝膽疾病的健康管理。
Objective: To detect abnormal findings among nonlabor employees in Taoyuan area, North Taiwan by using abdominal sonographic screening, we analyzed the results of screening in workers who received health checkups at Li-Shin hospital during 2005. Methods: We excluded labor workers and any employees who did not receive 100% of their health checkups, resulting in 70% of the total sample. A total of 2,305 cases were recruited for further analysis. Results: The prevalence rates of abnormal findings included: fatty livers 33.1%, gall bladder polyps 5.9%, gallstones 2.0%, hepatic hemangiomas 2.0%, hepatic cysts 2.3%, renal cysts 2.7%, renal stones 1.8%; 42.7% had acceptable results. The prevalence rates of fatty liver, gallstones, and renal stones were higher in men. There was an increased trend in the prevalence of for fatty liver, gallstones, and renal stones in advancing age in men. There was an increased prevalence of fatty livers and gallstones in women. Conclusion: The results, taking into account the costs and potential health benefits, might form a limited basis for adapting abdominal sonography as a screening tool, especially for fatty liver, among nonlabor employees.
起訖頁 22-28
關鍵詞 fatty liverhealth checkupnon-labor employees
刊名 台灣家庭醫學雜誌  
期數 200803 (18:1期)
出版單位 台灣家庭醫學醫學會
該期刊-上一篇 社區醫療群家庭醫師對全民健保家庭醫師整合性照護試辦計畫政策滿意度調查
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣南部某醫院急診溺水個案13例之臨床分析




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