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The Ambivalence of "International" Writing: The Global/local Dialectics in Kamila Shamsie's "Kartography"
作者 廖培真
跳脫一般評論家所強調的階級和族裔課題,本文透過後殖民理論、離散和全球化研究,檢視巴基斯坦離散作家卡美拉.森絲(Kamila Shamsie)《地形圖》(Kartography)中「國際」書寫的矛盾,以此探討全球與在地之間的辯證關係。《地形圖》可從兩個層次視為「國際」書寫:(一)就文本空間而言,跨越國族疆界,涉及一個以上的國家;(二)就銷售市場而言,「不屬於作品宣傳的廣大社群」,亦即「弱勢」書寫(Shamsie 2009:110)。本文首先分析小說中巴基斯坦移民的全球遷徙,以及其對家國的執著與眷戀,凸顯小說作為「國際」書寫在第一層次上的矛盾。另一方面,小說又同時解構喀拉蚩的在地性或邊緣性,另類展演喀拉蚩上層社會的國際化和西化,顯現新╱舊殖民主義的跨國影響,以及西方讀者視此小說為再興西方主流文化的「國際」書寫的矛盾。
In light of postcolonialism, diaspora and globalization studies, this paper examines the Pakistani diaspora writer Kamila Shamsie's "international" writing in Kartography (2002), with particular respect to the dialectics between the global and the local. By "international" writing, I mean both the novel as one involving more than one country and one "not belonging to the majority community for which the work is produced," hence suggesting another term for "minority writing" (Shamsie 2009:110). I approach the first level of ambivalence through analyzing the global movement of the Pakistani diaspora and their persistent attachment to the homeland in order to enrich the current scholarship of the novel that is mainly focused on the issues of class and ethnicity. At the same time, the novel portrays the internationalization or Westernization of the elite in Karachi. This dialectical ambivalence between the local and the global, while deconstructing the marginality of Karachi and highlighting the transnational influences of (neo)colonialism, challenges the perspective of the largely white audience in the West who regard "international" writing as one that reinvigorates the mainstream culture.
起訖頁 79-106
關鍵詞 「國際」書寫《地形圖》後殖民全球在地離散"International" Writing"Kartography"postcolonialgloballocaldiaspora
刊名 英美文學評論  
期數 201506 (26期)
出版單位 中華民國英美文學學會
該期刊-上一篇 王位排除危機脈絡下的《亨利六世》:《內戰悲歌》中的雙重史觀與恐懼詩學
該期刊-下一篇 空間轉向之地理議題:評泰利著《空間性》




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