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The Extraordinary Ordinariness of Everyday Details: The Everyday and the Politics of Details in Virginia Woolf's Writings
作者 許甄倚
本文從女性主義與文化研究的角度,探討吳爾芙作品中的日常生活,檢視「性別」在「日常生活」中扮演的隱而不彰卻十分重要的角色。對於許多女性主義理論家而言,西方傳統哲學脈絡中形而上與形而下的二元對立,反映了某種父權厭女的性別歷史,傳統美學對「細節」的打壓即為一例。然而,本文企圖申論,吳爾芙的現代主義書寫,呈現出形而上與形而下兩層次的巧妙辯證,細膩演繹出日常性當中的奇異性;如此,在她的作品中,小事得以啟發大事件、平凡早已是非凡、生活世界中也可以看見形而上世界的孿生疊映。論文深入文本細節的爬梳,分析吳爾芙實驗短篇、散文、文學宣言、及長篇小說《戴洛維夫人》(Mrs. Dalloway)及《燈塔行》(To the Lighthouse)中的日常形象與瑣碎政治,指出吳爾芙的現代主義美學,不只是包括對形而上概念世界的詩意探索與對所謂「存有時刻」的謳歌,同時也是基植在居家的、瑣碎的、重複的、形而下的、「非存有式」的日常生活經驗;換言之,存有與非存有的二元對立,神奇地崩塌了。如此的日常生活美學,強調日常生活裡的性別、居家與勞動的身體經驗,將之詩意化與壯闊化,顛覆了繼柏克(Edmund Burke)、康德(Immanuel Kant)以降獨尊的男性雄渾經驗。除此之外,吳爾芙書寫中探索日常生活中隱含能動性的企圖,使她成了後現代文化研究理論家如狄瑟鐸(Michel de Certeau)、列斐伏爾(Henri Lefebvre)等人的先驅。
Influenced by feminism and cultural studies, this paper investigates the representation of the everyday in Virginia Woolf's works. For many feminists, the history of Western metaphysics is a history of misogyny in which philosophical ideas have been centered on a series of value-laden and ”gendered” dualisms. One example is the concept of everyday detail, which has been feminized and is denounced as an obstacle to the heightened, non-everyday realm of the sublime. However, this paper argues that while paying attention to the ordinary details of the everyday, Woolf also problematizes the metaphysical/physical dualism by exposing the strangeness in the everyday banality. Therefore, quotidian events can inspire epiphanic Event, ordinariness has already been extraordinary, and life-world bears an uncanny resemblance to metaphysical world. Analyzing images of the everyday in Woolf's selected prose works, experimental sketches, literary criticisms, and novels such as Mrs. Dalloway and To the Lighthouse, the paper demonstrates how Woolf emphasizes gendered, domestic, and laboring experiences in her aesthetics of the everyday, interrogating the masculinist prioritization of sublime and transcendence derived from Edmund Burke and Immanuel Kant. Also, Woolf's exploration of the sublime of the mundane makes her a precursor to postmodern theorists such as Michel de Certeau and Henri Lefebvre.
起訖頁 97-129
關鍵詞 吳爾芙日常生活性別細節美學現代主義Virginia Woolfeverydaynessgenderthe aesthetics of detailsmodernism
刊名 英美文學評論  
期數 201206 (20期)
出版單位 中華民國英美文學學會
該期刊-上一篇 從「姿態人生」談李昌來小說裡的美國夢




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