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Sex, Prosthesis and the Ethical Subject the Posthuman Perspective on the Imagined Sex-less World and Its Vision
作者 楊乃女
在科幻小說中有許多對人工繁殖世界的想像,例如《美麗新世界》(Brave New World)所想像的以生殖科技生產所有的下一代為最典型的例子,這個故事呈現了一個完全顛覆當代社會組織與制度的另類社會,而其中最獨特的是徹底揚棄婚姻制度,不僅反對一夫一妻的異性戀,更反對家庭機制,原先婚姻制度下的性(sex)所具有的繁衍後代的功能為國家掌控的生殖科技所取代,性不再與婚姻的概念連結,性只是為性而性的行為,所有的嬰兒以高科技的標準化作業流程產生,完全不需要父母的存在。大部分的人對於這些「不自然」的生殖方式抱持極深的恐懼,擔憂傳統依賴血親關係建立的社會關係網絡及倫理學會受到衝擊,這反應出性在人類進化的過程中成為社會化的工具,不能只以本能來解釋性的概念。本文將從後人類(the posthuman)的角度討論性是什麼的問題,援引伯納德•史帝格勒(Bernard Stiegler)在《技術性與時間》(Technics and Time, 1)中對安德烈•勒華-顧爾宏(André Leroi-Gourhan)於《手勢與話語》(Gesture and Speech)所討論人與技術性的關係,闡釋所謂的增能輔助即是人身體的外部化之觀點,本文更進一步闡釋性是一種增能輔助,性在外部化之後成為社會規範的手段,而性還有一個外部化的內部化的層次,也就是轉化為意識的層次,從精神分析的觀點而言,亂倫禁忌是人類行為外部規範的準則同時也是主體產生的關鍵,本文將從西格蒙•佛洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)與雅各•拉康(Jacques Lacan)對亂倫禁忌的看法討論性之為增能輔助如何促成人成為倫理的主體。
In science fiction, there are several types of imagination regarding the alternative worlds made by artificial reproduction, one of which is Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. In this work, Huxley imagined an authoritarian and universalized society. The most distinctive feature in this alternative society is the abolition of the marriage system on account of the fact that marriage is regarded as the major source of disturbing the stability of society. The reproductive function of sex is unhooked from sexual intercourses. Opposing monogamy and the family institution, the alternative society reshapes the concept of sex as an act of enjoying the sexual intercourse itself whereas the reproductive function of sex is replaced by advanced biotechnology. As a result, infants could be reproduced by standardized operation procedures without parents. The imagination of artificial reproduction arouses the fear that human beings' interference in ”nature” would have an unpredictable impact on current social relationships and standards of morality which rely on blood relationships. Nevertheless, the fear demonstrates that ”sex” is no more a human instinct than a technique of socialization in human society. Undoubtedly, advanced technology will change (or is changing) the current social relationships and ethical standards. The question that what sex is will be explored from the perspective of the posthuman in the paper. Bernard Stiegler's formulation of the concept of the prosthesis, a reinterpretation of André Leroi-Gourhan's Gesture and Speech, relates what ”human” is to technics. The prosthesis, according to Stiegler, refers to the process of the exteriorization of the human body. In this paper, it will be argued that sex is a prosthesis. While the exteriorization of sex turns into the means of social regulations, it reflexively undergoes the process of interiorization; that is, it is also transformed into consciousness. From the perspective of psychoanalysis, the incest taboo is counted as the measurement of human actions while it also enacts the emergence of the subject. Sigmund Freud's concept of the incest taboo and Jacques Lacan's reinterpretation of it will be examined to explore how sex as a prosthesis enacts the emergence of the ethical subject.
起訖頁 93-119
關鍵詞 人工繁殖增能輔助倫理主體後人類sexartificial reproductionprosthesisthe ethical subjectthe posthuman
刊名 英美文學評論  
期數 200912 (15期)
出版單位 中華民國英美文學學會
該期刊-上一篇 活化的精神德利洛《地下世界》中的廢棄影像與身份認同
該期刊-下一篇 教化使命、同情心、自我保護論英國女作家立德的中國遊記與旅遊倫理




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