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英美文學評論 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A Trifling Life Story: The Diary of Amelia Buss
作者 劉開玲
Given that the frontier history of America is in general a his-story, men's journals bear significance for they serve as maps to help explore and conquer new lands, while women's journals are ignored because they are the scribble of trivial daily living. However, women's private writings may revise the his-story of the American frontier by the perspectives from the inside of the home and at the same time tell the her-story of the frontier. To understand the development of feminine identity of Amelia Buss (1834-1884) in terms of the making of the home, this paper analyzes her diary from three of perspectives: the letter motif, the physical formation of the home, and the building of the new community. Amelia was no obedient wife who simply suppressed herself to please her 'master.' In her diary, we see her repeated daily life activities. But we also see her worries and fears and her slow and painful adaption to the wilderness. She is a woman whose identity needs to be defined in relation to others. Her blood families are important. And as important are her female friends. If we map Amelia's living space, we find she stands in the core, with her husband and daughter beside her. Around her, there are her female neighbors. Farther around her, her sisters. Still farther, the Amelia on horseback enjoying the fine weather and all the greenness of life.
起訖頁 1-34
關鍵詞 拓荒史拓荒女性女性個人敘述女性日記女性日誌frontier historypioneering womenwomen's personal narrativeswomen's diarieswomen's journals
刊名 英美文學評論  
期數 200311 (6期)
出版單位 中華民國英美文學學會
該期刊-下一篇 潛抑的回訪:論莫莉森的小說《摯愛》中的記憶圖像與歷史救贖




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