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Courtly Revels and Entertainment in the English Renaissance
作者 蘇其康
By means of historical texts and literary texts, this article expects its readers to hold a positive view of the English Renaissance. Furthermore, the reader's response to the control mechanism may blend Renaissance cultural values with those of modern imagination. With this perspective, the courtly reveals and entertainment thus propounded are merely linked with festivals, they also form activities of social functions, etiquette, ceremony, aesthetics, hierarchy, power and wealth. They are activities freed from religious prohibition, leading to secularized communal social consciousness. To fare well in such occasions, the participants need to have certain charismatic qualities which are largely the appeal of Renaissance humanism. To some extent, reveals and entertainment have become instruments of politics. Queen Elisabeth I, in particular, manipulates them well. She applies them in feasts to entertain herself and to entertain her subjects, rendering the occasions as an extension of court politics and an interface of merriment that cuts across different social classes.
起訖頁 1-54
關鍵詞 英國文藝復興宮廷飲宴娛樂世俗化社會意識人文主義政治伊利沙白一世English Renaissancecourtrevelsentertainmentsecularizesocial consciousnesshumanismpoliticsElizabeth I
刊名 英美文學評論  
期數 200112 (5期)
出版單位 中華民國英美文學學會
該期刊-下一篇 莎劇中的後設策略:《仲夏夜夢》及其它散例




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