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Ultrasonographic Diagnosis of Achilles Tendinitis
作者 蔡建宗王崇禮謝正宜王亭貴
A 10MHz linear array ultrasound transducer was used to evaluate the sonographic appearance of Achilles tendon. In this retrospective study, we reviewed the sonographic findings of Achilles tendons in 87 patients with symptoms involving the unilateral posterior heel. The patients had all undergone a previous clinical examination, resulting in a suspicion of unilateral Achilles tendinitis. The normal Achilles tendon is a homogeneously echogenic band with thin echogenic margins, lying under a very thin layer of skin and subcutaneous tissue. The retrocalcaneal bursa, which separates the superior third of the calcaneus from the Achilles tendon, was also examined, and retrocalcaneal bursitis was diagnosed based on an enlarged hypoechoic bursa. The mean thickness of Achilles tendon on the symptomatic side was greater(7.19mm) compared with the asymptomatic side(5.18mm). Echogenicity change could be found on the symptomatic side in 72 cases(83%) and on the asymptomatic side in 15 cases(17%). Decreased echogenicity occurred in 57 cases on the symptomatic side and 9 cases on the asymptomatic side. Compared with the asymptomatic side, the symptomatic Achilles tendon demonstrated significant thickening and decreased in echogenicity. Four of these patients underwent U/S-guided aspiration of the in inflammed retrocalcaneal bursa, resulting in excellent and sustained improvement after the procedure. The pathological diagnoses were consistent with the ultrasonographic diagnoses in these 4 cases. We concluded that high-resolution ultrasonography is a useful tool in the diagnosis of Achilles tendinits.
起訖頁 509-517
關鍵詞 跟腱炎超因波Achilles tendinitisultrasonography
刊名 台灣醫學  
期數 200009 (4:5期)
出版單位 臺灣醫學會
該期刊-上一篇 裝置永久性心律調節器病患之生活品質及其相關因素
該期刊-下一篇 雄性化腎上腺皮質癌:一例報告




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