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The Constraint of Government Procurement Law in Dealing with Misuse of Dominant Power in Government Procurement Market: An Organic Cooperative Relation between the Law and the Competition Legislation
作者 羅昌發
台灣在1998年制定了政府採購法。在該法制定前,政府採購事項都是由公平交易法(Fair Trade Law)予以處理。政府採購法適用於影響政府採購市場中的競爭活動,但在非競爭事務的適用上,則仍有相關問題。本文運用一個政府採購法上的競標案例來說明政府採購法在處理非競爭事項上的限制,並認為政府機關相互間應建立更為緊密合作的關係,尤其須在政府採購法與公平交易法的規定下來適當處理這些相關限制。本文具體指出目前相關法律的困難,並嘗試規劃相關法律間的基本關係架構,希望藉此架構產生可以帶入政府採購市場的適當競爭原則。
Taiwan enacted its Government Procurement Law (GPL) in 1998. Prior to the enactment, government procurement matters were dealt with by the Fair Trade Law (FTL). Although it is clear that the GPL is applicable to activities affecting the competitions in government procurement market, there are still problems arising from the application of the GPL in anticompetitive activities. The paper uses a bid challenge case under the GPL to illustrate the constraint of the GPL in dealing with some anti-competitive practices and the need to establish a closer cooperative relation between the enforcement agencies under the GPL and under the FTL in dealing with such constraint. The paper points out the difficulties and tries to formulate a framework for the purpose of establishing an organic relation between the two sets of legislations and between the two sets of government agencies in charge of these legislations with the hope that there will be proper competition principles brought into the government procurement market.
起訖頁 47-65
關鍵詞 Anticompetitive ActivityBid Challenge ProcedureDominant Market PositionFair Trade LawGovernment Procurement AgreementGovernment Procurement Law反競爭行為投標投訴制度主要市場位置公平交易法政府採購協議政府採購法
刊名 National Taiwan University Law Review  
期數 200803 (3:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學法律學系
該期刊-上一篇 Comparative Law of Limitation of Actions in Insurance in England, Germany and Taiwan: A Step for Harmonization
該期刊-下一篇 The Research of Comparison between Law and Literature: As Illustrated by Kafka's




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